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The TRSDBDonutChartEx component is the database aware version of the TRSDonutChartEx. The TRSDonutChartEx component is a TRSCustomChart descendant that represents a donut chart. Unlike the normal Donut Chart ( TRSDonutChart ), the TRSDonutChartEx allows full control of donut pieces (OuterRadius, InnerRadius, StartAngle, Sweep Angle) at the cost of extra bookkeeping for the user, i.e., the TRSDonutChartEx does not track the percentage that each donut piece takes in the entire donut chart.

The values for the chart are created by reading a dataset (database table or query) specified with the    DataSource property. Each record in the dataset provides one value for the chart, where the DataFieldStartAngle property specifies the field to use for the StartAngle property, DatatFieldSweepAngle specifies the field to use for the SweepAngle, etc.

Namespace: RSDBCharts

expandingInheritance Hierarchy




  TRSDBDonutChartEx = class(TRSDonutChartEx) 





public destructor


Represents the destructor of the TRSDBDonutChartEx class.






published property


Specifies the field name whose value is used for the  Caption property of the data-aware chart values. Use DataFieldCaption to bind each data-aware chart value to a field object in the dataset. To fully specify a database field, both the dataset and the field within the dataset must be defined. The DataSource property of the chart specifies the dataset that contains the data field.

Use the other DataFieldXXX properties to specify the field names for other properties of the chart value (e.g., DataFieldX specifies the field for the X property of the value). For chart value properties that don't have a corresponding DataFieldXXX property, you can use the     OnGetChartValue event to change their values.

published property


Specifies the field name whose value is used for the  InnerRadius property of the data-aware chart values. Use DataFieldInnerRadius to bind each data-aware chart value to a field object in the dataset. To fully specify a database field, both the dataset and the field within the dataset must be defined. The     DataSource property of the chart specifies the dataset that contains the data field. The field object needs to be convertable to a floating-point value.

Use the other DataFieldXXX properties to specify the field names for other properties of the chart value (e.g.,     DataFieldCaption specifies the field for the  Caption property of the value). For chart value properties that don't have a corresponding DataFieldXXX property, you can use the     OnGetChartValue event to change their values.

published property


Specifies the field name whose value is used for the  OuterRadius property of the data-aware chart values. Use DataFieldOuterRadius to bind each data-aware chart value to a field object in the dataset. To fully specify a database field, both the dataset and the field within the dataset must be defined. The     DataSource property of the chart specifies the dataset that contains the data field. The field object needs to be convertable to a floating-point value.

Use the other DataFieldXXX properties to specify the field names for other properties of the chart value (e.g.,     DataFieldCaption specifies the field for the  Caption property of the value). For chart value properties that don't have a corresponding DataFieldXXX property, you can use the     OnGetChartValue event to change their values.

published property


Specifies the field name whose value is used for the  StartAngle property of the data-aware chart values. Use DataFieldStartAngle to bind each data-aware chart value to a field object in the dataset. To fully specify a database field, both the dataset and the field within the dataset must be defined. The     DataSource property of the chart specifies the dataset that contains the data field. The field object needs to be convertable to a floating-point value.

Use the other DataFieldXXX properties to specify the field names for other properties of the chart value (e.g.,     DataFieldCaption specifies the field for the  Caption property of the value). For chart value properties that don't have a corresponding DataFieldXXX property, you can use the     OnGetChartValue event to change their values.

published property


Specifies the field name whose value is used for the  SweepAngle property of the data-aware chart values. Use DataFieldSweepAngle to bind each data-aware chart value to a field object in the dataset. To fully specify a database field, both the dataset and the field within the dataset must be defined. The     DataSource property of the chart specifies the dataset that contains the data field. The field object needs to be convertable to a floating-point value.

Use the other DataFieldXXX properties to specify the field names for other properties of the chart value (e.g.,     DataFieldCaption specifies the field for the  Caption property of the value). For chart value properties that don't have a corresponding DataFieldXXX property, you can use the     OnGetChartValue event to change their values.

protected property


Returns the data link that manages the mapping of chart values to field values

published property


Identifies the link to the dataset where the data-aware chart finds its data. Use the DataSource property to set the TDataSource object where the data-aware chart should fetch its data. Each record of the dataset corresponds to one chart value item in the chart's collection.

The DataFieldXXX properties specifies which TField objects of the dataset are used to populate the corresponding properties in the chart value. Any chart value property that doesn't have a TField linked to it uses its defaults. However, you can use the     OnGetChartValue event to change any aspect of a chart value after its field values have been fetched from the dataset.

published property


Occurs when the data-aware chart creates a new chart value based on the     DataSource. For each record in the dataset, the data-aware chart creates a chart value, populates it based on DataFieldXXX fields and then call this event.

Write an OnGetChartValue event handler to take action when a chart value is created by a record, either to update other information based on the chart value or to modify a chart value for each record before they are displayed in the chart.






protected method


Represents method GetChartValue(TObject,TRSChartValue).

protected method


Represents method InitializeChangeEvents.

protected method


Represents method InitializeChart.



If you don't wish to handle the bookkeeping yourself for each donut slice, use the simpler RSDBCharts.TRSDBDonutChart component


To display a chart, you drop the component on a form and optionally connect its Panel property to the TRSChartPanel component where you want it to be displayed. Next, connect the DataSource property to the a TDataSource component on your form. Use the DataFieldXXX properties to connect a field to the corresponding XXX property of the chart value The following example links a dataset and some fields to the db-aware chart:


   RSDBDonutChartEx1.DataSource := DataSource1;
   RSDBDonutChartEx1.DataFieldCaption := DataSource1.DataSet.FieldByName('CUST_NAME');
   RSDBDonutChartEx1.DataFieldSweepAngle := 360*DataSource1.DataSet.FieldByName('PERCENTAGE');

expandingSee Also



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RiverSoftAVG Charting Component Suite (RCCS) © 2005-2015, Thomas G. Grubb