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published property


Specifies an optional text string to display on the link. The Caption is displayed at the midpoint of the line connecting the two graph chart values (specified by   ConnectionPoint and   ValueConnectionPoint). However, if there are additional   LinePoints, the Caption is displayed at the midpoint of the middle line segment.

public property


Specifies the RSGraphCharts.TRSGraphChartLinks instance to
which this Item belongs. Each collection item belongs to the
collection which creates it. The Collection property
points to the collection object to which the value belongs.

published property


Specifies the location on the graph chart value where the link is coming from. The ConnectionPoint property allows you to specify the origin point for the link on the rectangle that contains the graph chart value. By using the   ConnectionPoint,   LinePoints, and   ValueConnectionPoint properties, you can entirely specify the arrow that connects the two graph chart values. If this property is empty, a straight line arrow is drawn between the two values.

public property


Contains an array of points that allows you to specify the intermediate points of the link between the two graph chart values. Use the LinePoints to specify multi-line segment arrow between the values. By using the   ConnectionPoint,   LinePoints, and   ValueConnectionPoint properties, you can entirely specify the arrow that connects the two graph chart values. If this property is empty, a straight line arrow is drawn between the two values.

published property


Specifies the kind of pen the link uses for drawing the lines between the graph chart values. Set Pen to specify the pen to use for drawing the lines . The value of Pen is a TRSPen object, which is TPen in VCL and TStrokeBrush in FMX. Set the properties of the TRSPen object to specify the color, style, width, and mode of the pen.

published property


Specifies which graph chart value this link connects with (the destination). Each TRSGraphChartLink is owned by a RSGraphCharts.TRSGraphChartValue , which automatically specifies the link's origin. Use this property to specify the links destination.

published property


Specifies the location on the graph chart   Value where the link is going to. The ValueConnectionPoint property allows you to specify the destination point for the link on the rectangle that contains the graph chart value. By using the   ConnectionPoint,   LinePoints, and   ValueConnectionPoint properties, you can entirely specify the arrow that connects the two graph chart values. If this property is empty, a straight line arrow is drawn between the two values.

protected property


Represents property ValueIndex.


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RiverSoftAVG Charting Component Suite (RCCS) © 2005-2015, Thomas G. Grubb