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public method


Creates a new RSGraphCharts.TRSGraphChartLink instance and adds it to the Items array. The new instance is added at the end of the Items array.

Add returns the new link.

public method


Modifies all the links connection points for the particular orientation. For each link, it sets the   ConnectionPoint and   ValueConnectionPoint properties based on the Orientation parameter. The ArrangeConnection method sets these properties to hopefully avoid lines going through the two graph chart values. By using the Orientation, you are hinting the relative locations of the two graph chart values that are the end points of the links.

public method


Returns the Item with the specified ID. The FindItemID method returns the item in the collection whose ID property is passed to it as a parameter. If no item has the specified ID, FindItemID returns nil.

public method


Returns the enumerator for the collection, which is used when you write a "for Item in Chart.Values" loop.

public method


Creates a new instance and adds it to the Items array. Call Insert to add a new value at a specified position in the collection. Existing items (starting from the specified position) are moved up in the Items array. Note that Insert only works as expected if the collection is not     Sorted.

Insert returns the new collection value.

protected method


Represents method Loaded.

protected method


Represents method Notify(TCollectionItem,TCollectionNotification).

public method


Returns the Owner of the links (the From node)

protected method


Represents method Update(TCollectionItem).


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RiverSoftAVG Charting Component Suite (RCCS) © 2005-2015, Thomas G. Grubb