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About the RiverSoftAVG Charting Component Suite (RCCS)

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Path Chart Example
Path Chart Example

The RiverSoftAVG Charting Component Suite (RCCS) for Delphi and Appmethod (Object Pascal) is a free (for non-commercial use) with source charting Suite for adding charts and graphs to your programs. The RiverSoftAVG Charting Component Suite provides the following advantages:


Key Benefits


100% Source Code
For VCL and FMX
For Win32, Win64, OSX, iOS and Android
Integrated IDE Help Insight as well as Help File and Online Documentation
Chart Types: Area, Arrow, Bar, Sparse Bar, Line, Pie, Point, Shape, Graph (Flowchart), Equalizer, Guides, Chart-in-Chart, Path, Scatter, Donut Chart, Donut+, Bubble, High/Low/Average, and CandleStick
Powerful Chart Functions Components transform Source chart values into Target chart values using over 15 functions (e.g., minimum, maximum, average, etc) grouped into periods (e.g., percentage of chart values; all values in same hour, day, week, etc).
Chart Function Example Showing automatic generation of hourly High/Low/Average from a Line Source Chart to a High/Low/Average Target Chart.
Chart Function Example Showing automatic generation of hourly High/Low/Average from a Line Source Chart to a High/Low/Average Target Chart.
Example also shows the stand-alone TRSLegendListBox in the upper right (with TShadowEffect)

Two stand-alone Legend controls: Legend ListBox (TRSLegendListBox) allows controlling selection and visibility from the legend, and Legend Box (TRSChartLegendBox) Control allows displaying all values in a chart or panel (and applying effects in FMX).

Display charts on chart panel (with integrated axes, legend, header, footers, etc) or stand-alone
Supports FMX Effects (bevel, shadow, swirl, etc) and animations on charts (FMX Only)
Data-Aware Chart Types (VCL Only)
FREE for use in your non-commercial applications. A commercial license is available by one-time purchase (upgrades are free) or by submitting an accepted software component to be included into the RiverSoftAVG Charting Component Suite (see Licensing for details)
Design-time definition of chart values
Less confusing and programmer error prone
Easily Extensible
Zoom, Pan, and Select Chart values
TRSChartInChart allows multiple embedded charts

TRSChartInChart allows multiple embedded charts

Change Visibility and Selected for each chart value (e.g., Hide a pie slice in a pie chart or react to the user selecting different points in a chart)
Unique Chart-in-chart can display multiple embedded charts (similar to Picture-in-picture, where each value is another chart)



IMPORTANT: Please see Writing Cross-Library Code for more information about working with the RCCS after v3.0.


How to use the RCCS


To use the RCCS, drop a TRSChartPanel component onto your form. The TRSChartPanel is the container for all of the charts you wish to display. Then, drop the TRSCustomChart component descendant onto the form and connect its Panel property to the chart panel. The Values property is the most important property of a chart type and allows you to define the chart values at design-time or run-time. Currently, the RCCS provides the following chart types:

Area Chart (TRSAreaChart)
Arrow Chart (TRSArrowChart)
Bar Chart (TRSBarChart)
Graph Chart (TRSGraphChart)
Apply FMX Effects to stand-alone charts for visual pizazz.  Here, a magnifier has been applied to the line chart and the graph chart has an animation shaking the chart to attract attention
Apply FMX Effects to stand-alone charts for visual pizazz.  Here, a magnifier has been applied to the line chart and the graph chart has an animation shaking the chart to attract attention
Line Chart (TRSLineChart)
Point Chart (TRSPointChart)
Pie Chart (TRSPieChart)
Shape Chart (TRSShapeChart)
Equalizer Chart (TRSEqChart)
Guides Chart (TRSGuideChart)
Chart-in-Chart (TRSChartInChart)
Path Chart (TRSPathChart)
Scatter Chart (TRSScatterChart)
Donut Chart (TRSDonutChart and TRSDBDonutChart)
Donut+ Chart (TRSDonutChartEx and TRSDBDonutChartEx)
Bubble Chart (TRSBubbleChart and TRSDBBubbleChart)
Sparse Bar Chart (TRSSparseBarChart)
High/Low/Average Chart (TRSHighLowAverageChart and TRSDBHighLowAverageChart)
CandleStick Chart (TRSCandleStickChart and TRSDBCandleStickChart)


There are also database variants for the VCL.






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RiverSoftAVG Charting Component Suite (RCCS) © 2005-2015, Thomas G. Grubb