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public method


Copies properties from the Source object to the current object


When copying a source TRSCustomGeneticProgramming<T> component or TRSCustomGeneticProgrammingExecutor<T> component, the method copies the Instructions including the event handlers. If the Source is a TRSCustomGeneticProgramming<T> component, the FittestIndividual's DNA is copied to     GPProgram.

protected method


Creates the   Instructions collection of the correct class type.

protected method


Represents method CreateNode(TInstruction,TNode).

public method


Executes the genetic program (     GPProgram) using the specified context. The Context provides program state information (including variable values).

The function returns a value of type T

protected method


Represents method GenerateXML.

protected method


Represents method InstructionNotify(TInstruction,Classes).

protected method


Represents method InstructionOperationUpdate(TInstruction).

protected method


Represents method InstructionUpdate(TInstruction).

public method


Load the genetic programming scenario from a file specified by the filename. The   Instructions property will contain the read instructions, and the   GPProgram property will contain the genetic program of the fittest individual.


A genetic programming reader/writer reads and writes the metadata about instructions (i.e., name, arity, comment) but does not actually read or write the OnExecute code themselves. After reading a genetic programming scenario, you need to add OnExecute event handlers to instructions.

alert_cautionImportant Note

When reading a genetic programming scenario, the reader will attempt to match currently existing instructions to instruction names in the scenario. IF an instruction is found, the instruction will be preserved (including its OnExecute event).

After reading the scenario, any previous instructions not found in the scenario will be deleted.

public method


Load the genetic programming scenario from a stream. The   Instructions property will contain the read instructions, and the   GPProgram property will contain the genetic program of the fittest individual.


A genetic programming reader/writer reads and writes the metadata about instructions (i.e., name, arity, comment) but does not actually read or write the OnExecute code themselves. After reading a genetic programming scenario, you need to add OnExecute event handlers to instructions.

alert_cautionImportant Note

When reading a genetic programming scenario, the reader will attempt to match currently existing instructions to instruction names in the scenario. IF an instruction is found, the instruction will be preserved (including its OnExecute event).

After reading the scenario, any previous instructions not found in the scenario will be deleted.

public method


Overloaded. Load the entire genetic programming scenario from the XML. The   Instructions property will contain the read instructions, and the   GPProgram property will contain the genetic program of the fittest individual.


The component reads and writes the metadata about instructions (i.e., name, arity, comment) but does not actually read or write the OnExecute code. After reading a genetic programming scenario, you need to add OnExecute event handlers to instructions.

alert_cautionImportant Note

When reading a genetic programming scenario, the component will attempt to match currently existing instructions to instruction names in the scenario. IF an instruction is found, the instruction will be preserved (including its OnExecute event).

After reading the scenario, any previous instructions not found in the scenario will be deleted.

public method


Overloaded. Load the genetic programming domain ( instructions, fittest individual, population) from the XML. The   Instructions property will contain the read instructions, and the   GPProgram property will contain the genetic program of the fittest individual.


The component reads and writes the metadata about instructions (i.e., name, arity, comment) but does not actually read or write the OnExecute code. After reading a genetic programming scenario, you need to add OnExecute event handlers to instructions.

alert_cautionImportant Note

When reading a genetic programming scenario, the component will attempt to match currently existing instructions to instruction names in the scenario. IF an instruction is found, the instruction will be preserved (including its OnExecute event).

After reading the scenario, any previous instructions not found in the scenario will be deleted.

public method


Overloaded. Load the genetic programming instructions from the XML


The component reads and writes the metadata about instructions (i.e., name, arity, comment) but does not actually read or write the OnExecute code. After reading a genetic programming scenario, you need to add OnExecute event handlers to instructions.

alert_cautionImportant Note

When reading a genetic programming scenario, the component will attempt to match currently existing instructions to instruction names in the scenario. IF an instruction is found, the instruction will be preserved (including its OnExecute event).

After reading the scenario, any previous instructions not found in the scenario will be deleted.

protected method


Returns the maximum node arity (number of children) allowed in the engine

public method


Parses the GPProgramLines property and generates the genetic program (   GPProgram) tree based on its XML

public method


Saves the genetic programming scenario to the file specified by the filename.


This component does not write the entire population of a genetic programming scenario. It only writes the fittest individual using the     GPProgram property.

public method


Saves the genetic programming scenario to the stream


This component does not write the entire population of a genetic programming scenario. It only writes the fittest individual using the     GPProgram property.

public method


Overloaded. Saves the genetic programming scenario to the XML


This component does not write the entire population of a genetic programming scenario. It only writes the fittest individual using the     GPProgram property.

public method


Overloaded. Saves the genetic programming domain (instructions, fittest individual) to the XML.


This component does not write the entire population of a genetic programming scenario. It only writes the fittest individual using the     GPProgram property.

public method


Overloaded. Saves the   Instructions to the XML


The component writes the metadata about instructions (i.e., name, arity, comment) but does not actually write the OnExecute code.


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