Represents the entire population (collection of RSGenerics.GeneticProgramming.TRSGPIndividual<T> ) in a genetic programming problem. The population class represents the set of candidate solutions in a genetic programming problem. In genetic programming ( RSGenerics.GeneticProgramming.TRSCustomGeneticProgramming<T> component), there is a population of individuals (TRSGPPopulation<T>), which contain tree-based DNA programs. Each candidate individual (represented by a TRSGPIndividual<T> class) has "DNA", which contains one program containing functions and terminals (constants and variables)
Genetic Programming works by evolving your population towards the solution of the problem. Parents are selected from the current generation to reproduce the children of the next generation. Evolving a new generation involves:
• | Selecting 2 parents (Individuals) to reproduce |
• | Splicing the DNA program trees of the 2 parents together to make a child (the child inherits the parents trees or sub-trees) |
• | Optionally Mutating and Inverting the DNA trees of the child to provide randomness |
• | Repeating the above steps until the population of the new generation has been produced. |
This is a generics-based implementation of a genetic programming population. For the RSGeneticProgramming|TRSGeneticProgramming class, the generics class is instantiated as floating point values. However, you can define your own genetic programming component using whatever type you want.
Namespace: RSGenerics.GeneticProgramming
Type Parameters
Lists the individuals of the population object. Use the Items property to iterate through all the individuals. Index identifies the index in the range 0 to Count - 1.
• | RSGeneticProgramming|TRSCustomGeneticProgramming |