Defines the method signature for the OnCrossover event. The Parent1 and Parent2 parameters identify the parents of the Child parameter that will be recombined into the child. The DoMutation parameter controls whether the genetic operation will occur at all. Set DoMutation to False to prevent the crossover.
Defines the method signature for the OnEvaluateFitness event.
Defines the method signature for events that include an individual.
Defines the method signature for the OnInitialization event. Set the Initialized parameter to True to prevent the Initialize method from randomizing the Population's DNA.
Defines the method signature for mutation events like OnMutation and OnInversion. Set the DoMutation event to True to force the mutation to occur. Set the DoMutation event to False to prohibit the mutation from occurring for this individual.
Defines the method signature for events that contain parents and their child, e.g., OnReproduction.
Defines the method signature for selection events, e.g., where one individual from the Population of individuals must be selected. Set the Parent parameter to the individual you want to be selected and used.