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The TRSGeneticProgramming component is the descendant class of the RSGeneticProgramming.TRSCustomGeneticProgramming component which publishes all the properties needed to use genetic algorithms in your programs.

Genetic programming is a computer science method, inspired by evolutionary biology, for automatically solving problems, without having to know or define the form or structure of optimum problem structure beforehand. You define the basic building blocks (functions, constants, and variables) of the problem and then the component does the rest. Genetic programming solves problems by evolving a group or population of candidate individuals through successive generations, selecting fitter (or better) child individuals for each generation, until a solution is found. It uses evolutionary biology techniques such as inheritance, mutation, selection, and crossover (also called recombination).

The TRSGeneticProgramming class contains a population of individuals (TRSGPPopulation<TGAFloat>), which contain genetic program trees as DNA. These DNA are used to represent the solution to the search problem. They represent the functions, constants, and variables of each candidate solution (or individual), represented by a TRSGPIndividual<TGAFloat> class.

After setting up the    Instructions that your genetic programs can use, you set the RSGeneticProgramming.TRSGeneticProgramming.InitialPopulation , define a fitness function ( RSGeneticProgramming.TRSGeneticProgramming.OnEvaluateFitness event) to properly "score" each individual, and then Evolve your solution.

alert_noteNotes to Implementers

The TRSGeneticProgramming class redeclares the Instructions property and OnConstantMutation event to use instantiated generics types that look like non-generic types. Unfortunately, when a published property contains a generic, even an instantiated one (e.g., TRSGPInstructions<TGAFloat>), Delphi will not publish the property and make it available at design-time.

Namespace: RSGeneticProgramming

expandingInheritance Hierarchy


  TRSGeneticProgramming = class(TRSCustomGeneticProgramming)





public constructor


Initializes a new instance of the TRSCustomGeneticProgramming<T> class. (Overrides RSGeneticBase.TRSCustomGeneticComponent.Create(TComponent).)






public property


Returns the average fitness level of the   Population.
 (Inherited from RSGeneticBase.TRSCustomGeneticComponent.)

public property


Returns the average program depth of the current   Population (Inherited from RSGenerics.GeneticProgramming.TRSCustomGeneticProgramming<T>.)

public property


Returns the average program size of the current   Population (Inherited from RSGenerics.GeneticProgramming.TRSCustomGeneticProgramming<T>.)

public property


Returns the average weighted fitness level of the   Population.
 (Inherited from RSGeneticBase.TRSCustomGeneticComponent.)

published property


Represents property BloatLimit.

published property


Represents property BloatStrategy.

published property


Represents property CrossoverMethod.

published property


Represents property CrossoverProbability.

protected property


Contains the cumulative normalized fitnesses of the current generation (   Population) (Inherited from RSGeneticBase.TRSCustomGeneticComponent.)

public property


Returns the genetic diversity of the current Population, which is the   AvgFitness /   MaxFitness. In other words, how different (based upon fitness) are the individuals in the population from each other? If the population is not diverse enough, it is hard to breed a solution as everyone is alike. The genetic component can use the Diversity with the   DiversityLimit to automatically abort evolution if the diversity indicates we are in an evolutionary dead-end.
 (Inherited from RSGeneticBase.TRSCustomGeneticComponent.)

published property


Represents property DiversityLimit.

published property


Represents property ElitistPct.

published property


Represents property FitnessCutoff.

published property


Represents property FitnessMethod.

protected property


Contains the sum of all fitness values for the entire population (Inherited from RSGeneticBase.TRSCustomGeneticComponent.)

public property


Returns the fittest individual in the Population. The individual is chosen based on the FitnessMethod and the Fitness evaluations of all the individuals in the population. The FittestIndividual is chosen every time the population is evolved.

This property is nil if the component is not  Initialized.

public property


Returns the number of   Instructions that are not terminals (i.e., functions of arity > 0) (Inherited from RSGenerics.GeneticProgramming.TRSCustomGeneticProgramming<T>.)

public property


Returns a non-terminal function (Instructions that are functions of arity > 0) in the list of functions (Inherited from RSGenerics.GeneticProgramming.TRSCustomGeneticProgramming<T>.)

published property


Represents property Generation.

published property


Represents property GenerationLimit.

public property


Controls   Evolve method execution. Set Halt to true to stop evolution (useful for multi-threading) (Inherited from RSGeneticBase.TRSCustomGeneticComponent.)

published property


Represents property InitialDuplicatesRetries.

published property


Represents property InitializationDepth.

published property


Represents property InitializationMethod.

public property


Returns true if the genetic component has been initialized (and initial population has been created and evaluated for fitness) (Inherited from RSGeneticBase.TRSCustomGeneticComponent.)

published property


Represents property InitialPopulation.

published property


Represents property Instructions.

published property


Represents property InversionProbability.

public property


Returns the highest fitness level of the   Population.
 (Inherited from RSGeneticBase.TRSCustomGeneticComponent.)

public property


Returns the maximum program depth of the current   Population (Inherited from RSGenerics.GeneticProgramming.TRSCustomGeneticProgramming<T>.)

public property


Returns the maximum program size of the current   Population (Inherited from RSGenerics.GeneticProgramming.TRSCustomGeneticProgramming<T>.)

public property


Returns the highest weighted fitness level of the   Population.
 (Inherited from RSGeneticBase.TRSCustomGeneticComponent.)

public property


Returns the lowest fitness level of the   Population.
 (Inherited from RSGeneticBase.TRSCustomGeneticComponent.)

public property


Returns the minimum program depth of the current   Population (Inherited from RSGenerics.GeneticProgramming.TRSCustomGeneticProgramming<T>.)

public property


Returns the minimum program size of the current   Population (Inherited from RSGenerics.GeneticProgramming.TRSCustomGeneticProgramming<T>.)

public property


Returns the lowest weighted fitness level of the   Population.
 (Inherited from RSGeneticBase.TRSCustomGeneticComponent.)

published property


Represents property MutateConstantWeight.

published property


Represents property MutateHoistWeight.

published property


Represents property MutatePointWeight.

published property


Represents property MutateReplacementWeight.

published property


Represents property MutateShrinkWeight.

published property


Represents property MutateSubtreeWeight.

published property


Represents property MutationProbability.

public property


Defines the weights or probabilities that particular mutation methods will be chosen over the other genetic programming mutation methods. When mutation is selected to occur (see MutationProbability ), the genetic programming component chooses a mutation method using the weights you supply. (Inherited from RSGenerics.GeneticProgramming.TRSCustomGeneticProgramming<T>.)

protected property


Returns the sum of all the   MutationWeights (Inherited from RSGenerics.GeneticProgramming.TRSCustomGeneticProgramming<T>.)

published property


Represents property OnConstantMutation.

published property


Represents property OnCrossover.

published property


Represents property OnEvaluateFitness.

published property


Represents property OnEvolve.

published property


Represents property OnInitialization.

published property


Represents property OnInitializeChild.

published property


Represents property OnMutation.

published property


Represents property OnReproduction.

published property


Represents property OnSelection.

protected property


Returns a list of the   Instructions that are functions with arity > 0 (Inherited from RSGenerics.GeneticProgramming.TRSCustomGeneticProgramming<T>.)

published property


Represents property ParsimonyCoefficient.

published property


Represents property PointMutationMethod.

published property


Represents property PointMutationProbability.

public property


Represents the entire population of candidate individuals (TRSIndividual) in the current Generation, including the     FittestIndividual. The TRSCustomGeneticProgramming<T> component seeks to solve your optimization or search problems by evolving a group or population of candidate individuals through successive generations, selecting fitter (or better) child individuals for each generation, until a solution is found.

After every call to  Evolve, the Population property contains the next generation of individuals (the children), with the     PreviousGeneration property holding the previous generation (the parents, what was the Population before the Evolve call).

public property


Contains the parents of the current generation, which is represented by the   Population property. After every call to  Evolve, the Population property contains the next generation of individuals (the children), with the PreviousGeneration property holding the previous generation (the parents, what was the Population before the Evolve call).
 (Inherited from RSGenerics.GeneticProgramming.TRSCustomGeneticProgramming<T>.)

protected property


Returns the population sorted by fitness (Inherited from RSGeneticBase.TRSCustomGeneticComponent.)

protected property


Index of the individual next up in Elitist selection method or index of winner of roulette wheel selection method (Inherited from RSGeneticBase.TRSCustomGeneticComponent.)

published property


Represents property SelectionMethod.

published property


Represents property SelectionNonTerminalsProbability.

public property


Specifies the probability that an individual's  Fitness will be set to UnfitFitness when its genetic program     Size or     Depth exceeds the average size or depth. The Tarpeian anti-bloat strategy has the advantage that the individual is judged before evaluating fitness which can significantly reduce computation.

This property is used when the BloatStrategy is bsTarpeianDepth or bsTarpeianSize.

protected property


Returns a list of the   Instructions that are terminals: constants, variables, and functions of arity 0. (Inherited from RSGenerics.GeneticProgramming.TRSCustomGeneticProgramming<T>.)

public property


Returns the number of   Instructions that are terminals (i.e., constants, variables, and functions of arity = 0) (Inherited from RSGenerics.GeneticProgramming.TRSCustomGeneticProgramming<T>.)

public property


Returns a terminal (   Instructions that are constants, variables or functions of arity = 0) in the list of terminals (Inherited from RSGenerics.GeneticProgramming.TRSCustomGeneticProgramming<T>.)

published property


Represents property TournamentField.

published property


Represents property UseDiversityLimit.

published property


Represents property UseFitnessCutoff.

published property


Represents property UseGenerationLimit.

protected property


Contains the sum of all weighted fitness values for the entire population (Inherited from RSGeneticBase.TRSCustomGeneticComponent.)






public method


Represents method Assign(TPersistent). (Overrides RSGeneticBase.TRSCustomGeneticComponent.Assign(TPersistent).)

public method


Represents method AssignAll(TPersistent). (Inherited from RSGenerics.GeneticProgramming.TRSCustomGeneticProgramming<T>.)

protected method


Calculates the cumulative normalized fitness values of the   Population (Inherited from RSGeneticBase.TRSCustomGeneticComponent.)

public method


Compares the two individuals and returns an evaluation of who is fitter. If the result is -1, Parent1 is fitter. If the result is 1, Parent2 is fitter. If the two individuals are equally fit, the function returns 0.

The function uses the RSGeneticBase.TRSIndividual.Fitness property or RSGeneticBase.TRSIndividual.WeightedFitness to determine which parent is fitter. The     FitnessMethod controls the interpretation of the fitness.

The UsePureFitness parameter tells the function if it should ignore WeightedFitness or not.

public method


Creates the instructions collection (Overrides RSGenerics.GeneticProgramming.TRSCustomGeneticProgramming<T>.CreateInstructions(TCollectionItemClass).)

public method


Represents method CreateNode(TRSGPInstruction<TGAFloat>,TRSGPNode<TGAFloat>). (Inherited from RSGeneticProgramming.TRSCustomGeneticProgramming.)

protected method


Creates the population collection (Overrides RSGeneticBase.TRSCustomGeneticComponent.CreatePopulation(TRSIndividualClass).)

public method


Overloaded.  Combines the DNA of the two parents to make the DNA of the children. Note that crossover is not guaranteed to occur but is dependent on the     CrossoverProbability. The function calls the     OnCrossover event and then  DoCrossover method.

The Crossover method is called by the     Reproduce method. The function returns true if crossover occurred.

public method


Overloaded.  Combines the DNA of the two parents to make the DNA of the children. Note that crossover is not guaranteed to occur but is dependent on the     CrossoverProbability. The function calls the     OnCrossover event and then  DoCrossover method.

The Crossover method is called by the     Reproduce method. The function returns true if crossover occurred.

protected method


Represents method DefineProperties(TFiler). (Overrides RSGeneticBase.TRSCustomGeneticComponent.DefineProperties(TFiler).)

public method


Provides a description of the genetic programming component and its important properties. The description is added to the Strings parameter. The TabStr parameter specifies the indentation to use when adding sub-strings. (Overrides RSGeneticBase.TRSCustomGeneticComponent.Describe(TStrings,String).)

protected method


Performs the actual anti-bloating strategy after the new child has been created. The IsChildModified parameter indicates if the child was mutated or inverted


Not all anti-bloating strategies occur in this method

protected method


Calculates the fitness statistics (max, min, avg) for one generation. The method accesses each individual's Fitness property which may force a fitness evaulation to occur. (Inherited from RSGeneticBase.TRSCustomGeneticComponent.)

protected method


Calculates the weighted fitness statistics (max, min, avg) for one generation. The method accesses each individual's WeightedFitness property which may force a fitness evaulation to occur. (Overrides RSGeneticBase.TRSCustomGeneticComponent.DoCalculateWeightedFitnessStatistics.)

protected method


Performs a constant mutation (changes the constant of a tree node) (Inherited from RSGenerics.GeneticProgramming.TRSCustomGeneticProgramming<T>.)

protected method


Performs the actual crossover operation. The decision to crossover has already been decided by the time this method is called. (Overrides RSGeneticBase.TRSCustomGeneticComponent.DoCrossover(TRSIndividual,TRSIndividual,TRSIndividual,TRSIndividual).)

protected method


Calls the OnEvaluateWeightedFitness event and returns the result. If the event handler has not been defined, this method returns the regular fitness (Overrides RSGeneticBase.TRSCustomGeneticComponent.DoEvaluateWeightedFitness(TRSIndividual).)

protected method


Performs the actual evolve for one generation with each new pair of children being created in sequence (Inherited from RSGeneticBase.TRSCustomGeneticComponent.)

protected method


Performs the actual evolve for one pair of children (Inherited from RSGeneticBase.TRSCustomGeneticComponent.)

protected method


Represents method DoFairCrossover(TRSIndividual,TRSIndividual,TRSIndividual). (Inherited from RSGenerics.GeneticProgramming.TRSCustomGeneticProgramming<T>.)

protected method


Performs final steps for one evolution phase. Called by DoEvolve. (Inherited from RSGeneticBase.TRSCustomGeneticComponent.)

protected method


Performs a hoist mutation. Hoist mutation replaces the entire child program tree with a subtree from the child (the subtree becomes the root node). This has the effect of reducing the complexity of the child. (Inherited from RSGenerics.GeneticProgramming.TRSCustomGeneticProgramming<T>.)

protected method


Performs the actual initialization of the Population before evolution occurs.

The method returns number of duplicates fixed.

protected method


Initializes a genetic program tree to the full depth.

The Full method creates trees that all equal the     InitializationDepth (think full, bushy trees). There are not necessarily all the same size (number of nodes) as they depends on the arity of the instructions, but the same initial depth. The Full method creates trees by selecting only functions with arity greater than 0 until the initialization depth is reached; after which only terminals are selected.

protected method


Initializes a genetic program tree by growing to the depth indicated.

The Grow method creates trees of a wider variety of shapes and sizes than the full method. In the Grow method, nodes for the trees are selected from the full set of primitives (functions, constants, and variables) until the initialization depth is reached. Since an early node could select a terminal (constant, variable, or function of arity = 0), that node's subtree stops growing before the initialization depth.

protected method


Performs the actual inversion of the individual. The decision to invert the individual has already been made before calling this method. (Overrides RSGeneticBase.TRSCustomGeneticComponent.DoInvert(TRSIndividual).)

protected method


Performs the actual mutation of the individual. The decision to mutat the individual has already been made before calling this method. (Overrides RSGeneticBase.TRSCustomGeneticComponent.DoMutate(TRSIndividual).)

protected method


Performs the actual evolve for one pair of children (Inherited from RSGeneticBase.TRSCustomGeneticComponent.)

protected method


Overloaded. Performs point mutation. A random node is selected and the primitive
stored there is replaced with a different random primitive of the same arity taken from the primitive set
 (Inherited from RSGenerics.GeneticProgramming.TRSCustomGeneticProgramming<T>.)

protected method


Overloaded.  Performs point mutation on the tree. A random node is selected and the primitive stored there is replaced with a different random primitive of the same arity taken from the primitive set

Returns true if a point mutation occurred. Point mutation can occur more than once based on     PointMutationMethod.

protected method


Performs a replacement mutation (replace a subtree of the individual with another subtree that starts with the same arity) (Inherited from RSGenerics.GeneticProgramming.TRSCustomGeneticProgramming<T>.)

protected method


Performs the actual reproduction operation by combining the two parents to make the new Child. The Child must already exist but may be uninitialized. (Overrides RSGeneticBase.TRSCustomGeneticComponent.DoReproduce(TRSIndividual,TRSIndividual,TRSIndividual).)

protected method


Performs the actual reproduction operation by combining the two parents to make two new children. The children must already exist but may be uninitialized. (Overrides RSGeneticBase.TRSCustomGeneticComponent.DoReproduce(TRSIndividual,TRSIndividual,TRSIndividual,TRSIndividual).)

protected method


Performs any steps necessary for selecting parents in the newly evolved Population.

This method is called when evaluating fitness for everyone.

protected method


Performs the selection of a parent from the Population. This method is only called if the   SelectionMethod is Custom. (Inherited from RSGeneticBase.TRSCustomGeneticComponent.)

protected method


Performs a shrink mutation. Shrink mutation replaces a subtree of the child with a terminal. This has the effect of reducing the complexity of the child. (Inherited from RSGenerics.GeneticProgramming.TRSCustomGeneticProgramming<T>.)

protected method


Performs initial steps for one evolution phase. Called by DoEvolve. (Overrides RSGeneticBase.TRSCustomGeneticComponent.DoStartEvolve.)

protected method


Performs a subtree mutation (replace a subtree of the individual with another subtree) (Inherited from RSGenerics.GeneticProgramming.TRSCustomGeneticProgramming<T>.)

public method


Overloaded.  Evaluates the fitness for every individual of the Population (and calculates the     MaxFitness,     MinFitness, and     AvgFitness). It calculates a fitness estimation for every RSGeneticBase.TRSIndividual by calling the overloaded     EvaluateFitness method. It uses your     OnEvaluateFitness event handler to calculate values. After every individual is evaluated, it sets the MaxFitness, MinFitness, and AvgFitness values and sets the     FittestIndividual property.

Defining your fitness function is a highly important part of defining a genetic algorithm or genetic program. The fitness function returns a floating point value that specifies the correctness of the individual solution. The fitness function needs to be able to allow the genetic component to decide which solution is better than another. The genetic component will seek to either maximize the solution (e.g., keep evolving for individuals whose fitness are greater than other individuals in the population) or to minimize the solution (e.g., find the individuals whose fitness are less than other individuals). Note you can specify which direction to evolve towards with the     FitnessMethod property.

public method


Returns a fitness estimation of the passed in RSGeneticBase.TRSIndividual . It uses your     OnEvaluateFitness event handler to return the value.

Defining your fitness function is a highly important part of defining a genetic algorithm or genetic program. The fitness function returns a floating point value that specifies the correctness of the individual solution. The fitness function needs to be able to allow the genetic component to decide which solution is better than another. The genetic component will seek to either maximize the solution (e.g., keep evolving for individuals whose fitness are greater than other individuals in the population) or to minimize the solution (e.g., find the individuals whose fitness are less than other individuals). Note you can specify which direction to evolve towards with the     FitnessMethod property.

The overloaded     EvaluateFitness method evaluates the fitness for every individual of the Population (and calculates the     MaxFitness,     MinFitness, and     AvgFitness).

public method


Overloaded.  The Evolve method is the heart of the genetic component. The Evolve method is responsible for "breeding" the     Population towards an answer for your goal. Each generation, the Evolve method selects parents and then     Reproduces children for the new generation by using the genetic operations: first crossover, then mutation, and finally inversion. Each call to Evolve with breed one new generation. If you want to evolve many new generations at once (perhaps with a cutoff using the     FitnessCutoff,     GenerationLimit and     DiversityLimit properties), use the overloaded Evolve method. Successive calls to the Evolve method continues the evolutionary process from where the Evolve method stopped (use     Initialize to reset the process). If this is your first call to Evolve, it automatically calls the Initialize method.

Specify the     Operations to control which operations are performed while evolving: crossover, mutation, and inversion operations. You can also specify the chances of each operation occurring every generation using the     CrossoverProbability,     MutationProbability, and     InversionProbability properties.

The     SelectionMethod property (or     OnSelection event) specifies how the genetic component selects individuals from the current generation to be used as parents of the next generation.

The FitnessCutoff property aborts the evolutionary process when any child meets or exceeds (if FitnessMethod is fmMaximize) or is less than (if FitnessMethod is fmMinimize) the cutoff value. The     UseFitnessCutoff property must be true to use the fitness cutoff.

The DiversityLimit property aborts the evolutionary process when the diversity of the children falls below the DiversityLimit, e.g., all the children are too alike to go any further. The     UseDiversityLimit property must be true to use the diversity limit.

The GenerationLimit property aborts the evolutionary process when the required number of generations have been evolved. The     UseGenerationLimit property must be true to use the generation limit.

public method


Overloaded.  The Evolve method is the heart of the genetic component. The Evolve method is responsible for "breeding" the     Population towards an answer for your goal. Each generation, the Evolve method selects parents and then     Reproduces children for the new generation by using the genetic operations: first crossover, then mutation, and finally inversion. You can specify the number of generations to evolve or use the     FitnessCutoff,     GenerationLimit and     DiversityLimit properties to automatically stop the genetic process. Successive calls to the Evolve method continues the evolutionary process from where the Evolve method stopped (use     Initialize to reset the process). If this is your first call to Evolve, it automatically calls the Initialize method.

Specify the     Operations to control which operations are performed while evolving: crossover, mutation, and inversion operations. You can also specify the chances of each operation occurring every generation using the     CrossoverProbability,     MutationProbability, and     InversionProbability properties.

The     SelectionMethod property (or     OnSelection event) specifies how the genetic component selects individuals from the current generation to be used as parents of the next generation.

The FitnessCutoff property aborts the evolutionary process when any child meets or exceeds (if FitnessMethod is fmMaximize) or is less than (if FitnessMethod is fmMinimize) the cutoff value. The     UseFitnessCutoff property must be true to use the fitness cutoff.

The DiversityLimit property aborts the evolutionary process when the diversity of the children falls below the DiversityLimit, e.g., all the children are too alike to go any further. The     UseDiversityLimit property must be true to use the diversity limit.

The GenerationLimit property aborts the evolutionary process when the required number of generations have been evolved. The     UseGenerationLimit property must be true to use the generation limit.

public method


Returns the "fitter" of the two parent individuals. It compares the Fitness properties (or WeightedFitness) of both individuals, and, based on the FitnessMethod, selects the better individual. (Inherited from RSGeneticBase.TRSCustomGeneticComponent.)

protected method


Calculates the adjusted fitness, a value between 0 and 1, where a bigger value (closer to 1) represents better individuals.

The adjusted fitness equals 1/(1 + StandardizedFitness) when minimizing, and 1/(1+(MaxFitness - StandardizedFitness)) when maximizing.

protected method


Overloaded. Creates and returns a node for the specified parent node. The node may be a function, constant, or variable node (Inherited from RSGenerics.GeneticProgramming.TRSCustomGeneticProgramming<T>.)

protected method


Overloaded. Creates and returns a node for the specified parent node. The node is similar (of the same type and arity of the Similar node parameter) (Inherited from RSGenerics.GeneticProgramming.TRSCustomGeneticProgramming<T>.)

protected method


Calculates the normalized fitness, a value between 0 and 1.

The normalized fitness equals Fitness / Sum of All Fitness

protected method


Calculates the normalized weighted fitness, a value between 0 and 1.

The normalized fitness equals Fitness / Sum of All Weighted Fitness

protected method


Creates and returns a function node for the specified parent node from the list of   Operations (Inherited from RSGenerics.GeneticProgramming.TRSCustomGeneticProgramming<T>.)

protected method


Returns an instruction that is similar (of same type and arity) (Inherited from RSGenerics.GeneticProgramming.TRSCustomGeneticProgramming<T>.)

protected method


Creates and returns a terminal (constants, variables, and functions of arity=0) node for the specified parent node from the list of   Terminals (Inherited from RSGenerics.GeneticProgramming.TRSCustomGeneticProgramming<T>.)

public method


Prepares the genetic component for evolution (or resets the genetic population to start over). On calling the Initialization method, the Population is set to the   InitialPopulation size. The   OnInitialization method is called. Then, the Population's DNA are randomized and each individual's fitness is evaluated. (Inherited from RSGeneticBase.TRSCustomGeneticComponent.)

protected method


Initializes the Child with the two parents (usually just a copy of the first parent) (Inherited from RSGeneticBase.TRSCustomGeneticComponent.)

protected method


Called when an instruction is added or removed from the   Instructions (Inherited from RSGenerics.GeneticProgramming.TRSCustomGeneticProgramming<T>.)

protected method


Called when an instruction's Operation is changed (i.e., it changes from a function to a constant or a variable to a function, etc) (Inherited from RSGenerics.GeneticProgramming.TRSCustomGeneticProgramming<T>.)

protected method


Called when an instruction is changed (Inherited from RSGenerics.GeneticProgramming.TRSCustomGeneticProgramming<T>.)

public method


Inverts the DNA of the individual. Inversion for genetic algorithms means flipping the bits of the chromosome. For genetic programs, inversion means a point mutation (replacing a node with another node of the same arity in the tree).

Note that inversion is not guaranteed to occur but is dependent on the     InversionProbability. The function calls the     OnInversion event and then DoInvert method.
The Invert method is called by the     Reproduce method. The function returns true if inversion occurred.

protected method


Returns true if   SelectionMethod is custom (Inherited from RSGeneticBase.TRSCustomGeneticComponent.)

public method


Returns true if the evolution process is complete. The process is complete if the Fitness meets the   FitnessCutoff (if   UseFitnessCutoff is true) or the population diversity meets the   DiversityLimit (if   UseDiversityLimit is true) or the   Generation exceeds the   GenerationLimit (if   UseGenerationLimit is true). (Inherited from RSGeneticBase.TRSCustomGeneticComponent.)

public method


Loads the entire genetic component from the XML file specified by the Filename parameter, including the Genes (genetic algorithms) or Instructions (genetic programming) and the Population. Use the LoadFromFile and SaveToFile methods to stream in and out the genetic component in XML format. The format of the XML is defined in the GeneticAlgorithm.xsd and GeneticProgramming.xsd schema files. (Overrides RSGeneticBase.TRSCustomGeneticComponent.LoadFromFile(string).)

public method


Loads the entire genetic component from the XML stream specified by the stream parameter, including the Genes (genetic algorithms) or Instructions (genetic programming) and the Population. Use the LoadFromStream and SaveToStream methods to stream in and out the genetic component in XML format. The format of the XML is defined in the GeneticAlgorithm.xsd and GeneticProgramming.xsd schema files. (Overrides RSGeneticBase.TRSCustomGeneticComponent.LoadFromStream(TStream).)

public method


Overloaded. Load the entire genetic programming scenario from the XML


The component reads and writes the metadata about instructions (i.e., name, arity, comment) but does not actually read or write the OnExecute code. After reading a genetic programming scenario, you need to add OnExecute event handlers to instructions.

alert_cautionImportant Note

When reading a genetic programming scenario, the component will attempt to match currently existing instructions to instruction names in the scenario. IF an instruction is found, the instruction will be preserved (including its OnExecute event).

After reading the scenario, any previous instructions not found in the scenario will be deleted.

public method


Overloaded. Load the genetic programming domain ( instructions, fittest individual, population) from the XML


The component reads and writes the metadata about instructions (i.e., name, arity, comment) but does not actually read or write the OnExecute code. After reading a genetic programming scenario, you need to add OnExecute event handlers to instructions.

alert_cautionImportant Note

When reading a genetic programming scenario, the component will attempt to match currently existing instructions to instruction names in the scenario. IF an instruction is found, the instruction will be preserved (including its OnExecute event).

After reading the scenario, any previous instructions not found in the scenario will be deleted.

public method


Overloaded. Load the genetic programming instructions from the XML


The component reads and writes the metadata about instructions (i.e., name, arity, comment) but does not actually read or write the OnExecute code. After reading a genetic programming scenario, you need to add OnExecute event handlers to instructions.

alert_cautionImportant Note

When reading a genetic programming scenario, the component will attempt to match currently existing instructions to instruction names in the scenario. IF an instruction is found, the instruction will be preserved (including its OnExecute event).

After reading the scenario, any previous instructions not found in the scenario will be deleted.

public method


Returns the maximum number of children and node ( RSGenerics.GeneticProgramEngine.TRSGPNode<T> ) in the component can accept (Inherited from RSGenerics.GeneticProgramming.TRSCustomGeneticProgramming<T>.)

public method


Overloaded.  Mutates the DNA of the individual using the Mutation method. The mutation method controls how the genetic program tree is modified.

This method is called by the overloaded Mutate method when mutation is found to have occurred by its probability.

protected method


Called when an individual is added or removed from the   Population (Inherited from RSGeneticBase.TRSCustomGeneticComponent.)

protected method


Called when an individual has changed (Inherited from RSGeneticBase.TRSCustomGeneticComponent.)

protected method


Prioritizes or sorts the population based on Fitness or WeightedFitness and the   FitnessMethod. (Inherited from RSGeneticBase.TRSCustomGeneticComponent.)

public method


Overloaded.  The Reproduce method takes the two Parents and "mates" them to create the new Children. The Child parameters must exist but all of their information will be overwritten by the Parents. The New Child is copied from its first parent and then     Crossover,     Mutate, and     Invert are called according to the Operations property and the respective probability of the operation. Finally, an     OnReproduction event occurs.

The Evolve method calls the Reproduce methods.

public method


Overloaded.  The Reproduce method takes the two Parents and "mates" them to create the new Children. The Child parameters must exist but all of their information will be overwritten by the Parents. Child1 is copied from the first parent and Child2 is copied from the second parent, and then     Crossover,     Mutate, and     Invert are called according to the Operations property and the respective probability of the operation. Finally, an     OnReproduction event occurs.

The Evolve method calls the Reproduce methods.

public method


Saves the entire genetic component to the XML file specified by the Filename parameter, including the Genes (genetic algorithms) or Instructions (genetic programming) and the Population. Use the LoadFromFile and SaveToFile methods to stream in and out the genetic component in XML format. The format of the XML is defined in the GeneticAlgorithm.xsd and GeneticProgramming.xsd schema files. (Inherited from RSGeneticBase.TRSCustomGeneticComponent.)

public method


Saves the entire genetic component to the XML stream specified by the stream parameter, including the Genes (genetic algorithms) or Instructions (genetic programming) and the Population. Use the LoadFromFile and SaveToFile methods to stream in and out the genetic component in XML format. The format of the XML is defined in the GeneticAlgorithm.xsd and GeneticProgramming.xsd schema files. (Overrides RSGeneticBase.TRSCustomGeneticComponent.SaveToStream(TStream).)

public method


Overloaded. Saves the entire genetic component to the XML specified by the parameter, including the Genes (genetic algorithms) or Instructions (genetic programming) and the Population. Use the LoadFromFile and SaveToFile methods to stream in and out the genetic component in XML format. The format of the XML is defined in the GeneticAlgorithm.xsd and GeneticProgramming.xsd schema files. (Inherited from RSGeneticBase.TRSCustomGeneticComponent.)

public method


Overloaded. Saves the genetic programming scenario to XML


The component writes the metadata about instructions (i.e., name, arity, comment) but does not actually write the OnExecute code.

public method


Overloaded. Saves the genetic programming domain ( instructions, fittest individual, population) to XML


The component writes the metadata about instructions (i.e., name, arity, comment) but does not actually write the OnExecute code.

public method


Overloaded. Saves the genetic programming instructions to XML


The component writes the metadata about instructions (i.e., name, arity, comment) but does not actually write the OnExecute code.

public method


Returns the size of size of the total set of trees from one level of nodes up to a maximum size identified by the variable level. This space contains every combination of the functions and terminals, and the arity of each function arity for every tree of depth 1 up to the stated maximum depth. This number is useful for getting an idea of the size of the search space and may encourage you to reduce the number of functions, terminals, or arity of functions. (Inherited from RSGenerics.GeneticProgramming.TRSCustomGeneticProgramming<T>.)

protected method


Selected a Parent individual from the Population using the Elitist method.

The top nth percentile parents are chosen (and re-chosen) using this method. Elitist is a heavy-weight selection algorithm (in our implementation at least) because we must figure out the top nth percentile population first

public method


Selects a parent for the new generation using the   SelectionMethod or the   OnSelection event. (Inherited from RSGeneticBase.TRSCustomGeneticComponent.)

protected method


Selected a Parent individual from the Population at random.
 (Inherited from RSGeneticBase.TRSCustomGeneticComponent.)

protected method


Selected a Parent individual from the Population using the Roulette Wheel (fitness proportional) method.

The better "fit" parents are more likely to be chosen (and re-chosen), e.g., the probability of selection is proportional to the fitness of the parent. Also known as fitness proportionate selection.

protected method


Selected a Parent individual from the Population using the Elitist method.

Select "best" (in this case using roulette wheel) parents from a tournament field (size of tournament field is determined by the     TournamentField property), e.g., select the best parent by selecting better fit individuals proportionally TournamentField times and then choosing the "winner" of the tournament. Note: for speed purposes, this selection method does not ensure that the same individual cannot be picked twice

protected method


Selected a Parent individual from the Population using the Tournament method.

Select "best" parents from a tournament field (size of tournament field is determined by the     TournamentField property), e.g., select the best parent from randomly selecting individuals TournamentField times and then choosing the "winner" of the tournament. Note: for speed purposes, this selection method does not ensure that the same individual cannot be picked twice

protected method


Calculates the sum of all the   MutationWeights (Inherited from RSGenerics.GeneticProgramming.TRSCustomGeneticProgramming<T>.)

public method


Swaps the Population and PreviousGeneration collections in preparation for evolving a new generation. (Inherited from RSGeneticBase.TRSCustomGeneticComponent.)

public method


Provides a strings description of the genetic programming component and its important properties. The function uses the  Describe method to build the string. (Inherited from RSGeneticBase.TRSCustomGeneticComponent.)

public method


Returns a value that represents extreme unfitness. Useful for breeding out an individual by settings its fitness to this value (Inherited from RSGeneticBase.TRSCustomGeneticComponent.)






public event


Occurs when the genetic component needs to evaluate weighted fitness for an individual.

Weighted Fitness allows weighting the fitness for searching the solution space to guide the search. Fitness still evaluates if an individual solves the problem, but the weighted fitness can help constrain the search. For example, genetic programs can weight the fitness by reducing the fitness by the size of the program (limiting growth).

alert_cautionImportant Note

Do not repeat your RSGeneticBase.TRSCustomGeneticComponent.OnEvaluateFitness event code here (this is just wasteful) Rather, weight the Individual.Fitness by some function.

public event


Occurs when two parents (TRSIndividual) have reproduced to create a new child and some portion of the child's DNA is about to be inverted. The DoMutation parameter controls whether the inversion will occur. It has already been set based on the   InversionProbability (and so sometimes will be True and sometimes will be False). Set the DoMutation parameter either to force the inversion to occur or to prohibit it from occurring. (Inherited from RSGeneticBase.TRSCustomGeneticComponent.)



When creating instructions or nodes to use with this class, always use the  CreateInstructions and  CreateNode methods as they ensure you create an instruction or node of the correct type.


The basic steps for adding genetic programming to your applications are:

Drop a RSGeneticProgramming.TRSGeneticProgramming component on your form
Add      Instructions that your genetic program trees can use. For constants, set the initial Value. For functions, define an OnExecute event handler
Define a fitness function ( RSGeneticProgramming.TRSGeneticProgramming.OnEvaluateFitness event) to properly assess the fitness of each individual, and
Evolve your solution
expandingSee Also

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