![public class public class](pubclass.gif)
Represents type TControlCrack.
![public class public class](pubclass.gif)
Represents type TReaderCrack.
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Represents a SVG 'clip-path' element. A clipping path is defined with a ‘clipPath’ element. A clipping path is used/referenced using the ‘clip-path’ property.
A ‘clipPath’ element can contain ‘path’ elements, ‘text’ elements, basic shapes (such as ‘circle’) or a ‘use’ element. If a ‘use’ element is a child of a ‘clipPath’ element, it must directly reference ‘path’, ‘text’ or basic shape elements.
![public class public class](pubclass.gif)
Base class for SVG gradient elements
![public class public class](pubclass.gif)
Base class for container elements in the RSCL
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Base class for SVG viewbox elements, elements that an define a new viewport
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Represents a SVG 'defs' element. The ‘defs’ element is a container element for referenced elements. For understandability and accessibility reasons, it is recommended that, whenever possible, referenced elements be defined inside of a ‘defs’.
The content model for ‘defs’ is the same as for the ‘ g’ element; thus, any element that can be a child of a ‘g’ can also be a child of a ‘defs’, and vice versa.
Elements that are descendants of a ‘defs’ are not rendered directly; they are prevented from becoming part of the rendering tree just as if the ‘defs’ element were a ‘g’ element and the ‘display’ property were set to none. Note, however, that the descendants of a ‘defs’ are always present in the source tree and thus can always be referenced by other elements; thus, the value of the ‘display’ property on the ‘defs’ element or any of its descendants does not prevent those elements from being referenced by other elements.
![public class public class](pubclass.gif)
Represents a SVG 'svg' element. An SVG document fragment consists of any number of SVG elements contained within an ‘svg’ element. The TSVGDocument class represents the actual SVG.
The TSVGDocument class is the base class for parsing a SVG and generating TSVGxxxElement classes to describe the SVG. Use the TSVGDocument class to load an SVG and paint the SVG to a TCanvas.
The TSVGDocument is only available at run-time. The TRSSVGDocument (VCL) and TRSFMXSVGDocument (FMX) expose the TSVGDocument for loading at design-time.
![public class public class](pubclass.gif)
Represents type TSVGDrawEventWrapper.
![public class public class](pubclass.gif)
Base class for SVG elements
SVG elements have a Owner , which specifies the SVG document that provides applicable styles, options, etc
SVG elements can have child elements, stored in the Items property
SVG elements can have a Parent , which is the parent in the SVG hierarchy for inherited properties.
![public class public class](pubclass.gif)
Defines a hash table type where the keys are IDs and the values are the SVG elements
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Represents the SVG 'stop' element. The ramp of colors to use on a gradient is defined by the ‘stop’ elements that are child elements to either the ‘linearGradient’ element or the ‘ radialGradient’ element.
![public class public class](pubclass.gif)
Base class for SVG elements that contain graphics. As such, the element contains graphical properties like location and width and height.
You can change visual properties of the graphical element using this class. However, make sure the Inherits property does not specify the property is inherited from the element's parent.
![public class public class](pubclass.gif)
Represents a SVG 'g' element. The ‘g’ element is a container element for grouping together related graphics elements. A ‘g’ element can contain other ‘g’ elements nested within it, to an arbitrary depth
![public class public class](pubclass.gif)
Represents a SVG 'image' element. The ‘image’ element indicates that the contents of a complete file are to be rendered into a given rectangle within the current user coordinate system. The ‘ image’ element can refer to raster image files such as PNG or JPEG or to files with MIME type of "image/svg+xml".
The TSVGImage element supports SVG and bitmap (PNG, JPG, BMP, etc) format files.
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Represents a SVG linear gradient.
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Represents a SVG 'marker' element. Properties inherit into the ‘ marker’ element from its ancestors; properties do not inherit from the element referencing the ‘marker’ element. ‘marker’ elements are never rendered directly; their only usage is as something that can be referenced using the ‘marker’, ‘marker-start’, ‘marker-end’ and ‘marker-mid’ properties. The ‘display’ property does not apply to the ‘marker’ element; thus, ‘marker’ elements are not directly rendered even if the ‘display’ property is set to a value other than none, and ‘marker’ elements are available for referencing even when the ‘display’ property on the ‘marker’ element or any of its ancestors is set to none.
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SVG Metadata element
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Represents a SVG 'path' element. A path is defined by including a ‘path’ element which contains a d="(path data)" attribute, where the ‘d’ attribute contains the moveto, line, curve (both cubic and quadratic Béziers), arc and closepath instructions.
![public class public class](pubclass.gif)
Represents a SVG 'pattern' element. A pattern is used to fill or stroke an object using a pre-defined graphic object which can be replicated ("tiled") at fixed intervals in x and y to cover the areas to be painted. Patterns are defined using a ‘pattern’ element and then referenced by properties ‘fill’ and ‘stroke’ on a given graphics element to indicate that the given element shall be filled or stroked with the referenced pattern.
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Represents a SVG radial gradient.
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SVG script element. A ‘script’ element is equivalent to the ‘ script’ element in HTML and thus is the place for scripts (e.g., ECMAScript). Any functions defined within any ‘script’ element have a "global" scope across the entire current document.
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Encapsulates a SVG style with presentation attributes
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Represent a SVG 'switch' element. The ‘switch’ element evaluates the ‘requiredFeatures’, ‘requiredExtensions’ and ‘systemLanguage’ attributes on its direct child elements in order, and then processes and renders the first child for which these attributes evaluate to true. All others will be bypassed and therefore not rendered. If the child element is a container element such as a ‘ g’, then the entire subtree is either processed/rendered or bypassed/not rendered.
![public class public class](pubclass.gif)
Represents a SVG 'symbol' element. The ‘symbol’ element is used to define graphical template objects which can be instantiated by a ‘use’ element.
![public class public class](pubclass.gif)
Represents a SVG 'use' element. Any ‘svg’, ‘symbol’, ‘g’, graphics element or other ‘use’ is potentially a template object that can be re-used (i.e., "instanced") in the SVG document via a ‘use’ element. The ‘use’ element references another element and indicates that the graphical contents of that element is included/ drawn at that given point in the document.
Unlike ‘ image’, the ‘use’ element cannot reference entire files.
![public class public class](pubclass.gif)
Represents type TWriterCrack.