A rectangle with a triangular "peak" on one of four sides.
Because TRSGPCalloutRectangle inherits from RSGdiPlusCtrls.TRSGPRectangle , TRSGPCalloutRectangle provides all the properties (Corners, CornerType, Sides, XRadius, YRadius, and others) and methods to define the shape of the rectangle itself.
A call-out often takes the form of a pull-quote, in which a particular snippet of text in a document is duplicated to attract attention: in a larger size, with a different typeface, in a colored box, with stylized quote marks, and so on. With illustrations, boxed text will refer to different elements of interest, and each box will be drawn with extra lines that point to its element.
TRSGPCalloutRectangle is a rectangle with an isosceles triangle on one of its four sides, used to point at something else. The triangle is included in the bounding rectangle of the object: the longer its length, the shorter the rectangle shape will be, and vice versa. Keeping the rectangle the same size while changing the length of the triangle requires changing the height or width of the object, depending on which side the triangle appears.
Namespace: RSGdiPlusCtrls
TGraphicControl |
Delphi |
type |
Specifies the side of the rectangle where the callout pointer appears. TRSGPCalloutRectangle renders its callout pointer as an isosceles triangle on one of its four sides. Set CalloutPosition to one of the Top, Left, Bottom, or Right constants predefined in TCalloutPosition to define the side on which the callout pointer should appear. By default, the callout pointer appears on the top side CalloutPosition = Top. |
The width of the callout pointer. TRSGPCalloutRectangle renders its callout pointer as an isosceles triangle on one of its sides. CalloutWidth is the length of the base of the triangle. |
Represents property Canvas. (Inherited from RSGdiPlusCtrls.TRSCustomTransparentGraphicControl.) |
Represents property ClipChildren. (Inherited from RSGdiPlusCtrls.TRSGPRectangle.) |
Represents property Constraints. (Inherited from RSGdiPlusCtrls.TRSGPRectangle.) |
Specifies shapes of which corners in the TRSGPRectangle rectangle object are customized according to the CornerType, XRadius, and YRadius properties. By default, all four corners are customized. Corners can contain a set of constants defined in the TRSCorner type: crTopLeft, crTopRight, crBottomLeft, and crBottomRight. Use the AllCorners constant to select all corners. If Corners is an empty set or any of the XRadius and YRadius properties is zero, then no corner shape customization is used. |
Specifies the type of the corner shape's customization in the rectangle. Values of CornerType are defined in TRSGPCornerType. CornerType applies to corners specified in the Corners set. XRadius and YRadius specify the distance from a corner to the start point of the corner shape customization, on the horizontal and vertical sides.
Represents property Cursor. (Inherited from RSGdiPlusCtrls.TRSGPRectangle.) |
Represents property DragCursor. (Inherited from RSGdiPlusCtrls.TRSGPRectangle.) |
Represents property DragKind. (Inherited from RSGdiPlusCtrls.TRSGPRectangle.) |
Represents property DragMode. (Inherited from RSGdiPlusCtrls.TRSGPRectangle.) |
Represents property Fill. (Inherited from RSGdiPlusCtrls.TRSGPRectangle.) |
Determines whether mouse clicks should be detected for the control (Inherited from RSGdiPlusCtrls.TRSCustomTransparentGraphicControl.) |
Specifies the local transformation matrix of the control (Inherited from RSGdiPlusCtrls.TRSGPShape.) |
Represents property NeedUpdate. |
Represents property OnClick. (Inherited from RSGdiPlusCtrls.TRSGPRectangle.) |
Represents property OnContextPopup. (Inherited from RSGdiPlusCtrls.TRSGPRectangle.) |
Represents property OnDblClick. (Inherited from RSGdiPlusCtrls.TRSGPRectangle.) |
Represents property OnDragDrop. (Inherited from RSGdiPlusCtrls.TRSGPRectangle.) |
Represents property OnDragOver. (Inherited from RSGdiPlusCtrls.TRSGPRectangle.) |
Represents property OnEndDock. (Inherited from RSGdiPlusCtrls.TRSGPRectangle.) |
Represents property OnEndDrag. (Inherited from RSGdiPlusCtrls.TRSGPRectangle.) |
Represents property OnGesture. (Inherited from RSGdiPlusCtrls.TRSGPRectangle.) |
Represents property OnMouseActivate. (Inherited from RSGdiPlusCtrls.TRSGPRectangle.) |
Represents property OnMouseDown. (Inherited from RSGdiPlusCtrls.TRSGPRectangle.) |
Represents property OnMouseEnter. (Inherited from RSGdiPlusCtrls.TRSGPRectangle.) |
Represents property OnMouseLeave. (Inherited from RSGdiPlusCtrls.TRSGPRectangle.) |
Represents property OnMouseMove. (Inherited from RSGdiPlusCtrls.TRSGPRectangle.) |
Represents property OnMouseUp. (Inherited from RSGdiPlusCtrls.TRSGPRectangle.) |
Represents property OnPaint. (Inherited from RSGdiPlusCtrls.TRSGPRectangle.) |
Represents property OnPainting. (Inherited from RSGdiPlusCtrls.TRSGPRectangle.) |
Represents property OnStartDock. (Inherited from RSGdiPlusCtrls.TRSGPRectangle.) |
Represents property OnStartDrag. (Inherited from RSGdiPlusCtrls.TRSGPRectangle.) |
Represents property Opacity. (Inherited from RSGdiPlusCtrls.TRSGPRectangle.) |
Represents property ParentShowHint. (Inherited from RSGdiPlusCtrls.TRSGPRectangle.) |
Represents property PopupMenu. (Inherited from RSGdiPlusCtrls.TRSGPRectangle.) |
Returns the rectangle for drawing the shape. |
Represents property ShowHint. (Inherited from RSGdiPlusCtrls.TRSGPRectangle.) |
Specifies which sides of the TRSGPRectangle rectangle to display. A side is a rectangle boundary between two adjacent corners or end points of corner customizations. End points of corner customizations are defined by XRadius and YRadius. A corner customization applies to corners included into the Corners set. By default, all sides of the rectangle are displayed. Sides can contain a set of constants defined in TRSSide: sdTop, sdLeft, sdBottom, and sdRight. Use the AllSides constant to select all sides. If Sides is empty, then no side is displayed. |
Represents property Stroke. (Inherited from RSGdiPlusCtrls.TRSGPRectangle.) |
Represents property Touch. (Inherited from RSGdiPlusCtrls.TRSGPRectangle.) |
Represents property Transform. (Inherited from RSGdiPlusCtrls.TRSGPRectangle.) |
Represents property Visible. (Inherited from RSGdiPlusCtrls.TRSGPRectangle.) |
Specifies the distance from a corner to the start point of the corner shape customization, on the horizontal sides of TRSGPRectangle. During design time, the maximum possible value of XRadius is limited by the half of the smallest side. If XRadius=0, then no corner shape customization is used. |
Specifies the distance from a corner to the start point of the corner shape customization, on the vertical sides of TRSGPRectangle. During design time, the maximum possible value of YRadius is limited by the half of the smallest side. If YRadius=0, then no corner shape customization is used. |