TRSGPEllipse defines 2D ellipses.
The following TEllipse properties define the ellipse shape and position:
• Initially the ellipse is inscribed into the bounding rectangle ShapeRect of the TRSGPEllipse object.
• Then the rotation axis RotationCenter is moved along the local coordinate axes proportionally to the Scale factors.
• Then this ellipse is rotated around the obtained pivot on the RotationAngle angle.
Scaling not only scales the shape of an object proportionally to the scaling factors, but also changes the Stroke.Thickness of the contour proportionally to the scaling factor for each axis.
TRSGPEllipse draws the contour and fills the background with the
Paint method.Paint draws the contour and fills the background using the drawing pen and brush with the properties, color, and opacity defined by the
Stroke and Fill properties of the TRSGPEllipse object.
Namespace: RSGdiPlusCtrls
TRSGPEllipse = class(TRSGPShape)
![public method public method](pubmethod.gif)
Creates a GDI+ canvas for the control. The calling routine is responsible for freeing the GDI+ canvas (Inherited from RSGdiPlusCtrls.TRSCustomTransparentGraphicControl.)
![protected method protected method](protmethod.gif)
Override this method to paint the control (Overrides RSGdiPlusCtrls.TRSCustomTransparentGraphicControl.DoPaint.)
![protected method protected method](protmethod.gif)
Occurs just after painting. Calls the OnPaint event (Inherited from RSGdiPlusCtrls.TRSCustomTransparentGraphicControl.)
![protected method protected method](protmethod.gif)
Occurs just before painting. Calls the OnPainting event (Inherited from RSGdiPlusCtrls.TRSCustomTransparentGraphicControl.)
![public method public method](pubmethod.gif)
Returns the absolute transformation matrix of the control. AbsoluteMatrix is calculated using Matrix and AbsoluteMatrix of its parent (Inherited from RSGdiPlusCtrls.TRSGPShape.)
![public method public method](pubmethod.gif)
Returns the local transformation matrix of the control (Inherited from RSGdiPlusCtrls.TRSGPShape.)
![public method public method](pubmethod.gif)
Returns the control opacity. (Inherited from RSGdiPlusCtrls.TRSGPShape.)
![protected method protected method](protmethod.gif)
Represents method GetShapeRectForRot(TObject,TRSRect). (Inherited from RSGdiPlusCtrls.TRSGPShape.)
![protected method protected method](protmethod.gif)
Represents method ObjectChanged(TObject). (Inherited from RSGdiPlusCtrls.TRSGPShape.)
![protected method protected method](protmethod.gif)
Represents method Paint(TRSGPCanvas,TRSGPMatrix,Single). (Overrides RSGdiPlusCtrls.TRSGPShape.Paint(TRSGPCanvas,TRSGPMatrix,Single).)
![public method public method](pubmethod.gif)
Overloaded. Checks whether the point, specified by the absolute coordinates, belongs to the control area.
PointInObject returns True if the specified point belongs to the control area, and False otherwise.
The X and Y are the absolute coordinates (relative to the main form) of the point to be checked. The points of the control boundary specified by BoundsRect belong to the control and PointInObject returns True for them.
![public method public method](pubmethod.gif)
Checks whether the point, specified by the absolute coordinates, belongs to the control area.
PointInObject returns True if the specified point belongs to the control area, and False otherwise.
The X and Y are the absolute coordinates (relative to the main form) of the point to be checked. The points of the control boundary specified by BoundsRect belong to the control and PointInObject returns True for them.
![public method public method](pubmethod.gif)
Sets the control opacity.
Set Opacity to customize the transparency of the current control.
Opacity takes values between 0 and 1. If Opacity is 1, the control is completely opaque; if it is 0, the control is completely transparent. The values over 1 are treated as 1, and the ones under 0 are treated as 0.
Opacity applies to the control's children.