Specifies the absolute transformation matrix of the control. AbsoluteMatrix is calculated using Matrix and AbsoluteMatrix of its parent
Specifies whether the current control has a clipped child.
ClipChildren is True if the control has a clipped child, and False otherwise.
Determines the color and pattern used to fill the shape background.
The value of Fill is an RSGdiPlusGraphics.TRSGPBrush object. It can define the gradient, brush pattern, brush color, opacity, and other parameters to fill the shape background.
Specifies the local transformation matrix of the control
Specifies the control opacity.
Set Opacity to customize the transparency of the current control.
Opacity takes values between 0 and 1. If Opacity is 1, the control is completely opaque; if it is 0, the control is completely transparent. The values over 1 are treated as 1, and the ones under 0 are treated as 0.
Opacity applies to the control's children.
Returns the rectangle for drawing the shape.
The coordinates of the upper-left corner of the rectangle are (0,0), and the coordinates of the lower-right corner are (Width, Height).
Determines the color and pattern used to draw lines and shape contours of the graphical primitives.
The value of Stroke is an RSGdiPlusGraphics.TRSGPPen object.
Specifies the transformation to perform on the control.
Unlike FMX transformed controls, VCL transformed controls will be clipped if they exceed the width or height of the control