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Encapsulates a graph or network (not the TeeChart type of graphs).

Graphs are made up of nodes ( GGraph.TGGraphNode class) and edges ( GGraph.TGGraphEdge class) connecting the nodes. Graphs may be directed or undirected. The TGGraph class manages the nodes as a list and allows quick access to all the nodes based on indices. If you need a fast graph where you can have duplicately named nodes, use this class. The GGraph.TGLabelGraph class manages the nodes as a hash table and allows quick access to nodes by their caption.

The TGLabelGraph class inherits all the functionality of its GGraph.TGCustomGraph class ancestor, which allows you to add and remove nodes, get topological sorts and shortest paths, and other graph operations.

Namespace: GGraph

RiverSoftAVG Products Help © 1996-2016 Thomas G. Grubb