Creates a new node in the linked list and sets its Item property to the input object.
Add returns the node created.

Appends the input linked list to the end of the current linked list. (Inherited from GLists.TGCustomLinkedList.)

Adds the input node to the end of the linked list. (Overrides GLists.TGCustomLinkedList.AddNode(TSQNode).)

Adds the input stack to the current stack.

Represents method Assign(TPersistent). (Overrides GLists.TGStringQueue.Assign(TPersistent).)

Represents method AssignTo(TPersistent). (Inherited from GLists.TGStringQueue.)

Defers OnChange events until EndUpdate is called.
BeginUpdate and EndUpdate work in tandem to defer change events to speed processing. Use BeginUpdate to defer change events until an equal number of EndUpdate calls occurs.

Represents method Change. (Inherited from GLists.TGCustomLinkedList.)

Empties the linked list
Items associated with nodes are not freed.

Represents method DefineProperties(TFiler). (Inherited from GLists.TGStringQueue.)

Deletes the specified node from the linked list. (Inherited from GLists.TGCustomLinkedList.)

Reenables OnChange events after BeginUpdate has been called.
BeginUpdate and EndUpdate work in tandem to defer change events to speed processing. Use BeginUpdate to defer change events until an equal number of EndUpdate calls occurs.

Overloaded. Returns true if every string in the input queue equals the strings in the current queue. (Inherited from GLists.TGStringQueue.)

Find returns the Node before ANode i.e., whose Next field points to
ANode. If Find returns the Node itself then Node is the Head node (Inherited from GLists.TGCustomLinkedList.)

FindItem returns the node whose Item property equals the input object.
If the item cannot be found, the method returns nil.

Returns the node in the queue that contains the input String. If the input string is not found, the function returns nil. (Inherited from GLists.TGStringQueue.)

Returns an enumerator for iterating over the linked list. (Inherited from GLists.TGCustomLinkedList.)

Represents method GetNode(Integer). (Inherited from GLists.TGCustomLinkedList.)

Returns the position of the node (0 = head) whose Item property equals the input object.
If the item cannot be found, the method returns -1.

Returns the index of the node in the queue that contains the input String. If the input string is not found, the function returns -1. (Inherited from GLists.TGStringQueue.)

Inserts the input ANode into the linked list. The node is inserted before the BeforeNode (i.e., ANode.Next := BeforeNode). (Overrides GLists.TGCustomLinkedList.Insert(TSQNode,TSQNode).)

Creates a new node. The new node is not added to the linked list. (Overrides GLists.TGCustomLinkedList.NewNode.)

Removes and returns the item at the front of the queue. Call Pop to retrieve an item from the queue. Pop removes the next item from the queue (that is, the earliest item added), then returns the object of the deleted item.
To access the queue without removing an item, call GLists.TGQueue.Top .

Removes and returns the string and object at the front of the queue. Call PopItem to retrieve an item from the queue. PopItems removes the next item from the queue (that is, the earliest item added), then returns the string and object of the deleted item.
To access the queue without removing an item, call Top or GLists.TGStringQueue.TopString.

Removes and returns the string at the front of the queue. Call PopString to retrieve an item from the queue. PopString removes the next item from the queue (that is, the earliest item added), then returns the string of the deleted item.
To access the queue without removing an item, call GLists.TGStringQueue.TopString .

Adds an item to the end of the queue. Call Push to add an item to the queue.
To retrieve items added with Push, call GLists.TGQueue.Pop or GLists.TGQueue.Top .

Adds the input string and object to the end of the queue and returns the new node created for the item.
To retrieve items added with PushItem, call GLists.TGStringQueue.PopItem(TObject) or Top and GLists.TGStringQueue.TopString .
To push only the object on the queue, use the Push method. To push only a string and an object on the queue, use the GLists.TGStringQueue.PushString(String) method.

Adds the input Value string to the end of the queue and returns the new node created for the item. The Item property of the node will be nil.
To retrieve items added with Push, call Pop, GLists.TGStringQueue.PopString , or GLists.TGStringQueue.PopItem(TObject) or Top and GLists.TGStringQueue.TopString .
To push only the object on the queue, use the Push method. To push both a string and an object on the queue, use the GLists.TGStringQueue.PushItem(String,TObject) method.

Resets the iteration node to the head of the list. (Inherited from GLists.TGCustomLinkedList.)

Represents method SetNode(Integer,TSQNode). (Inherited from GLists.TGCustomLinkedList.)