Defines a TList replacement which will free its elements.
This class is deprecated. Use a TObjectList instead.

Provides a base linked list class from which to derive all other types of linked lists (doubly linked lists, stacks, and queues).
All structures will have the advantage of being persistent, easily extendable, and assignment compatible. However, the TGCustomLinkedList is slower than a TList because it creates objects for every node.
This class uses TPersistents instead of records for the nodes because of expandability, readability, and power. The performance hit is small (<3%).

Defines an enumerator class for iterating over a linked list.

Defines a doubly linked list (Previous link as well as Next).
The TGDoublyLinkedList class extends the TGLinkedList class to make it doubly linked.

Defines a linked list class where every node in the list has an associated Item object.

Defines a queue or FIFO (First In, First Out) list of objects sorted by priority.
This implementation is inefficient, use TPriorityQueue from DataStructures.pas instead

Defines a queue or FIFO (First In, First Out) list of strings and objects sorted by priority.
This implementation is inefficient, use TPriorityQueue from DataStructures.pas instead

TGQueue maintains a first-in first-out array, or queue, of objects. Use a TGQueue object to store and maintain a first-in first-out list.
To use the class properly as a queue, use the GLists.TGQueue.Push(TObject) and GLists.TGQueue.Pop methods, not Add or Items.
The TGQueue manages the nodes of the list and will ensure nodes get freed.

Maintains a last-in first-out (LIFO) array, or stack, of objects.
Use a TGStack object to store and maintain a last-in first-out list. The TGStack object descends from GLists.TGQueue class.
The TGStack manages the nodes of the list and will ensure nodes get freed.

TGStringQueue maintains a first-in first-out array, or queue, of objects and associated strings. Use a TGStringQueue object to store and maintain a first-in first-out list.
The TGStringQueue allows you to push onto the queue only a string, only an object, or both. To use the class properly as a queue, use the Push, GLists.TGStringQueue.PushString(String), GLists.TGStringQueue.PushItem(String,TObject) and GLists.TGStringQueue.PopItem(TObject) methods, not Add or Items.
The TGStringQueue manages the nodes of the list and will ensure nodes get freed.
The TGStringQueue is assignment compatible with a TStrings object.

Maintains a last-in first-out (LIFO) array, or stack, of strings and objects.
Use a TGStringStack object to store and maintain a last-in first-out list. The TGStringStack object descends from GLists.TGStringQueue class.
The TGStringStack manages the nodes of the list and will ensure nodes get freed.

Defines a base class for an ordered list based on TList.

TQQueue maintains a first-in first-out array, or queue, of items. Use a TQQueue object to store and maintain a first-in first-out list.
To use the class properly as a queue, use the GLists.TQQueue.Push(TRSPointerType) and GLists.TQQueue.Pop methods, not Add or Items.

Maintains a last-in first-out (LIFO) array, or stack, of items.
Use a TQStack object to store and maintain a last-in first-out list. The TQStack object descends from GLists.TQQueue class.

TQStringQueue maintains a first-in first-out array, or queue, of string and object items. Use a TQStringQueue object to store and maintain a first-in first-out list.
To use the class properly as a queue, use the GLists.TQStringQueue.Push(TObject) and GLists.TQStringQueue.Pop methods, not Add or AddObject.

Maintains a last-in first-out (LIFO) array, or stack, of strings and objects.
Use a TQStringStack object to store and maintain a last-in first-out list. The TQStringStack object descends from GLists.TQStringQueue class.
The TQStringStack manages the nodes of the list and will ensure nodes get freed.

Defines the Nodes for a doubly linked list (i.e., it points to the previous node as well as the next node)

Defines the Nodes for a linked list

Defines the Nodes for a queue which are sorted according to a GLists.TSQPriorityNode.Priority .
A lower value for priority is a higher priority.

Defines the Nodes for a queue which are sorted according to a GLists.TSQPriorityStringNode.Priority and each node has an associated string.
A lower value for priority is a higher priority.

Defines the Nodes for a linked list with an associated string for each node