Represents method AddObject(string,TObject). (Inherited from Structures.TSFCList.)

Represents method Assign(TPersistent). (Inherited from Structures.TSFCList.)

Represents method Changed. (Inherited from Structures.TSFCList.)

Represents method Changing. (Inherited from Structures.TSFCList.)

Represents method Clear. (Inherited from Structures.TSFCList.)

Represents method Delete(Integer). (Inherited from Structures.TSFCList.)

Overloaded. The ForEach method will iterate over the string list calling the Proc object method for every item that passes the FilterFunction (or all items if the FilterFunction is unassigned). The ForEach method allows regular functions and procedures to be passed instead of methods.
The order that the items are processed is not guaranteed, just that every item will be evaluated. In fact, this method goes through the items in reverse order so that the Proc method could delete items without affecting items not yet visited. This may change.

Overloaded. The ForEach method will iterate over the string list calling the Proc function for every item that passes the FilterFunction (or all items if the FilterFunction is unassigned). The ForEach method allows class methods to be passed instead of regular functions and procedures.
The order that the items are processed is not guaranteed, just that every item will be evaluated. In fact, this method goes through the items in reverse order so that the Proc method could delete items without affecting items not yet visited. This may change.

Represents method IndexOf(string). (Inherited from Structures.TSFCList.)

Removes and returns the item at the front of the queue. Call Pop to retrieve an item from the queue. Pop removes the next item from the queue (that is, the earliest item added), then returns the object of the deleted item.
To access the queue without removing an item, call GLists.TQStringQueue.Top .

Removes and returns the string and object at the front of the queue. Call PopItem to retrieve an item from the queue. PopItems removes the next item from the queue (that is, the earliest item added), then returns the string and object of the deleted item.
To access the queue without removing an item, call GLists.TQStringQueue.Top or GLists.TQStringQueue.TopString.

Removes and returns the string at the front of the queue. Call PopString to retrieve an item from the queue. PopString removes the next item from the queue (that is, the earliest item added), then returns the string of the deleted item.
To access the queue without removing an item, call GLists.TQStringQueue.TopString .

Adds an item to the end of the queue. Call Push to add an item to the queue.
To retrieve items added with Push, call GLists.TQStringQueue.Pop or GLists.TQStringQueue.Top .

Adds the input string and object to the end of the queue and returns the new node created for the item.
To retrieve items added with PushItem, call GLists.TQStringQueue.PopItem(TObject) or GLists.TQStringQueue.Top and GLists.TQStringQueue.TopString .
To push only the object on the queue, use the GLists.TQStringQueue.Push(TObject) method. To push only a string and an object on the queue, use the GLists.TQStringQueue.PushString(String) method.

Adds the input Value string to the end of the queue and returns the new node created for the item. The Item property of the node will be nil.
To retrieve items added with Push, call GLists.TQStringQueue.Pop, GLists.TQStringQueue.PopString , or GLists.TQStringQueue.PopItem(TObject) or GLists.TQStringQueue.Top and GLists.TQStringQueue.TopString .
To push only the object on the queue, use the GLists.TQStringQueue.Push(TObject) method. To push both a string and an object on the queue, use the GLists.TQStringQueue.PushItem(String,TObject) method.

Represents method Put(Integer,string). (Inherited from Structures.TSFCList.)

Represents method PutObject(Integer,TObject). (Inherited from Structures.TSFCList.)

Represents method SetUpdateState(Boolean). (Inherited from Structures.TSFCList.)

Represents method Sort. (Inherited from Structures.TSFCList.)

Returns the object at the front of the queue. Call Top to access the queue without removing an item. Top returns the next item in the queue (that is, the earliest item added).
To remove an item from the queue, call GLists.TQStringQueue.Pop.

Returns the string and object at the front of the queue. Call TopItem to access the queue without removing an item. TopItem returns the next item in the queue (that is, the earliest item added).
To remove an item from the queue, call PopItemg.

Returns the string at the front of the queue. Call TopString to access the queue without removing an item. TopString returns the next item in the queue (that is, the earliest item added).
To remove an item from the queue, call GLists.TQStringQueue.PopString.