Overloaded. The Add method adds a token to the list. Call Add to add a token to the list. The Add method returns the Index where the new Item is located.
The Append method appends or adds the tokens in the List parameter to the current list. The tokens are added to the end of the current list. When tokens are added, the tokens are not duplicated so modifications to the tokens in the List parameter modify the appended tokens in the current list.
Overloaded. Attempts to copy the fields or data from AValue into the list. If the AValue parameter is not of a CommonInterfaces.IBaseStreamTokenList interface, it will raise an exception.
Overloaded. Attempts to copy the fields or data from Source into the list. If the Source parameter does not support the CommonInterfaces.IBaseStreamTokenList interface, it will r0aise an exception.
Overloaded. Returns a copy of the list and a copy of all tokens in the list.
Note that this method returns an IInterface and needs to be cast to a IBaseStreamTokenList type.
Overloaded. The Equals method returns TRUE if the List parameter's tokens equals the current list. Not only the number of tokens in the list must match, but also each IBaseStreamToken.Equals must return true. Otherwise, this method returns False.
Overloaded. The Equals method returns True if the AValue parameter supports the CommonInterfaces.IBaseStreamTokenList interface, where every item in the list equals the list in the current list. Otherwise, False.
Overloaded. The Equals method returns True if the AList object contains a list, where every item in the list equals the list in the current list. Otherwise, False.
The First method returns the first token in the list. Call First to obtain the first token in the list.
Overloaded. Accessor method for the Value property.
Accessor method for the GStreams.TBaseStreamTokenList.Tag property.
Accessor method for the ValueCount property.
The IndexOf method returns the index of an token. Call IndexOf to obtain the index of an token. If the Item is not found, this method returns -1.
The Insert method inserts a token into the list at a specified position. Call Insert to insert a token into the list. Item is the token to insert, and Index indicates the position (zero-offset) where the token should be added.
The Last method returns the last token in the list. Call Last to obtain the last token in the list.
Overloaded. Accessor method for the Value property.
The Remove method deletes the first reference to the Item parameter (Token) from the Value array. Call Remove to remove a specific item from the Value array when its index is unknown. The value returned is the index of the item in the Items array before it was removed. After an item is removed, all the items that follow it are moved up in index position and the ValueCount is reduced by one.
If the Value array contains more than one copy of the token, only the first copy is deleted.
Accessor method for the GStreams.TBaseStreamTokenList.Tag property.
The ToString function returns the list of token strings parsed from the stream. Usually, this is the exact strings parsed from the stream. However, if the parser chooses to, the string returned could be a beautified version of the strings. The intent is that the string should be reparsable by the parser to create the exact same list of tokens.