Occurs when a chart is added to the chart panel. Write an OnAddChart event handler to respond to new charts.

Occurs when a chart associated with the chart panel changes. Write an OnChartChange event handler to respond to changes in charts.

Occurs when one of a chart's Values changes. Write an OnChartValueChange event handler when you want to take action when a chart's value changes.

Occurs when one of a chart's Values is selected or deselected. Write an OnChartValueSelectionChange event handler when you want to take action when a chart value's selection changes

Occurs when one of a chart's Values visibility changes. Write an OnChartValueVisibleChange event handler when you want to take action when a chart value's Visible property changes.

Occurs when a chart is removed from the chart panel. Write an OnDeleteChart event handler to respond to charts being deleted from the panel (note that the charts are not necessary being freed, just deleted from the chart panel, i.e., their Panel property is being set to nil).

Ocurs after the chart panel has finished drawing. Write an OnDraw event handler to take specific action after the chart panel has finished drawing. The Canvas parameter points to the canvas where the the chart panel was drawn. The ARect rectangle contains the rectangle coordinates where the the chart panel was drawn.
The OnDraw event occurs when the Draw method is called and after all drawing

Occurs after the Background has finished drawing. Write an OnDrawBackground event handler to take specific action after background has finished drawing. The Canvas parameter points to the canvas where the background was drawn. The ARect rectangle contains the rectangle coordinates where the background was drawn.

Occurs after the BottomAxis has finished drawing. Write an OnDrawBottomAxis event handler to take specific action after the BottomAxis has finished drawing. The Canvas parameter points to the canvas where the BottomAxis was drawn. The ARect rectangle contains the rectangle coordinates where the BottomAxis was drawn.

Occurs after the ChartBackground has finished drawing. Write an OnDrawChartBackground event handler to take specific action after ChartBackground has finished drawing. The Canvas parameter points to the canvas where the ChartBackground was drawn. The ARect rectangle contains the rectangle coordinates where the ChartBackground was drawn.

Occurs after the Charts have finished drawing. Write an OnDrawCharts event handler to take specific action after the Charts have finished drawing. The Canvas parameter points to the canvas where the Charts were drawn. The ARect rectangle contains the rectangle coordinates where the Charts were drawn.

Occurs after the ChartShadow has finished drawing. Write an OnDrawChartShadow event handler to take specific action after the ChartShadow has finished drawing. The Canvas parameter points to the canvas where the ChartShadow was drawn. The ARect rectangle contains the rectangle coordinates where the ChartShadow was drawn.

Occurs after the Footer has finished drawing. Write an OnDrawFooter event handler to take specific action after the Footer has finished drawing. The Canvas parameter points to the canvas where the Footer was drawn. The ARect rectangle contains the rectangle coordinates where the Footer was drawn.

Occurs after the Foreground has finished drawing. Write an OnDrawForeground event handler to take specific action after the Foreground has finished drawing. The Canvas parameter points to the canvas where the Foreground was drawn. The ARect rectangle contains the rectangle coordinates where the Foreground was drawn.

Occurs after the Gradient has finished drawing. Write an OnDrawGradient event handler to take specific action after the Gradient has finished drawing. The Canvas parameter points to the canvas where the Gradient was drawn. The ARect rectangle contains the rectangle coordinates where the Gradient was drawn.

Occurs after the Header has finished drawing. Write an OnDrawHeader event handler to take specific action after the Header has finished drawing. The Canvas parameter points to the canvas where the Header was drawn. The ARect rectangle contains the rectangle coordinates where the Header was drawn.

Occurs just before the chart panel paints itself. Use the OnDrawing event handler to take action before the chart panel draws. By setting the DoDraw parameter to False, the drawing can be cancelled. The Canvas parameter contains the canvas where the chart panel will be drawn, and the ARect parameter specifies where on the canvas the chart panel will be drawn.
The OnDrawing event occurs when the Draw method is called or painting occurs but before the drawing actually starts.

Occurs right before the Background is drawn. Use the OnDrawingBackground event to paint behind the Background before it is drawn over top. By setting the DoDraw parameter to False, you can also prevent the Background from drawing. The Canvas parameter contains the canvas where the Background will be drawn, and the ARect parameter specifies where on the canvas the Background will be drawn.

Occurs right before the BottomAxis is drawn. Use the OnDrawingBottomAxis event to paint behind the BottomAxis before it is drawn over top. By setting the DoDraw parameter to False, you can also prevent the BottomAxis from drawing. The Canvas parameter contains the canvas where the BottomAxis will be drawn, and the ARect parameter specifies where on the canvas the BottomAxis will be drawn.

Occurs right before the ChartBackground is drawn. Use the OnDrawingChartBackground event to paint behind the ChartBackground before it is drawn over top. By setting the DoDraw parameter to False, you can also prevent the ChartBackground from drawing. The Canvas parameter contains the canvas where the ChartBackground will be drawn, and the ARect parameter specifies where on the canvas the ChartBackground will be drawn.

Occurs right before the Charts are drawn. Use the OnDrawingCharts event to paint behind the Charts before it is drawn over top. By setting the DoDraw parameter to False, you can also prevent the Charts from drawing. The Canvas parameter contains the canvas where the Charts will be drawn, and the ARect parameter specifies where on the canvas the Charts will be drawn.

Occurs right before the ChartShadow is drawn. Use the OnDrawingChartShadow event to paint behind the ChartShadow before it is drawn over top. By setting the DoDraw parameter to False, you can also prevent the ChartShadow from drawing. The Canvas parameter contains the canvas where the ChartShadow will be drawn, and the ARect parameter specifies where on the canvas the ChartShadow will be drawn.

Occurs right before the Footer is drawn. Use the OnDrawingFooter event to paint behind the Footer before it is drawn over top. By setting the DoDraw parameter to False, you can also prevent the Footer from drawing. The Canvas parameter contains the canvas where the Footer will be drawn, and the ARect parameter specifies where on the canvas the Footer will be drawn.

Occurs right before the Foreground is drawn. Use the OnDrawingForeground event to paint behind the Foreground before it is drawn over top. By setting the DoDraw parameter to False, you can also prevent the Foreground from drawing. The Canvas parameter contains the canvas where the Foreground will be drawn, and the ARect parameter specifies where on the canvas the Foreground will be drawn.

Occurs right before the Gradient is drawn. Use the OnDrawingGradient event to paint behind the Gradient before it is drawn over top. By setting the DoDraw parameter to False, you can also prevent the Gradient from drawing. The Canvas parameter contains the canvas where the Gradient will be drawn, and the ARect parameter specifies where on the canvas the Gradient will be drawn.

Occurs right before the Header is drawn. Use the OnDrawingHeader event to paint behind the Header before it is drawn over top. By setting the DoDraw parameter to False, you can also prevent the Header from drawing. The Canvas parameter contains the canvas where the Header will be drawn, and the ARect parameter specifies where on the canvas the Header will be drawn.

Occurs right before the LeftAxis is drawn. Use the OnDrawingLeftAxis event to paint behind the LeftAxis before it is drawn over top. By setting the DoDraw parameter to False, you can also prevent the LeftAxis from drawing. The Canvas parameter contains the canvas where the LeftAxis will be drawn, and the ARect parameter specifies where on the canvas the LeftAxis will be drawn.

Occurs right before the Legend is drawn. Use the OnDrawingLegend event to paint behind the Legend before it is drawn over top. By setting the DoDraw parameter to False, you can also prevent the Legend from drawing. The Canvas parameter contains the canvas where the Legend will be drawn, and the ARect parameter specifies where on the canvas the Legend will be drawn.

Occurs right before the RightAxis is drawn. Use the OnDrawingRightAxis event to paint behind the RightAxis before it is drawn over top. By setting the DoDraw parameter to False, you can also prevent the RightAxis from drawing. The Canvas parameter contains the canvas where the RightAxis will be drawn, and the ARect parameter specifies where on the canvas the RightAxis will be drawn.

Occurs right before the TopAxis is drawn. Use the OnDrawingTopAxis event to paint behind the TopAxis before it is drawn over top. By setting the DoDraw parameter to False, you can also prevent the TopAxis from drawing. The Canvas parameter contains the canvas where the TopAxis will be drawn, and the ARect parameter specifies where on the canvas the TopAxis will be drawn.

Occurs after the LeftAxis has finished drawing. Write an OnDrawLeftAxis event handler to take specific action after the LeftAxis has finished drawing. The Canvas parameter points to the canvas where the LeftAxis was drawn. The ARect rectangle contains the rectangle coordinates where the LeftAxis was drawn.

Occurs after the Legend has finished drawing. Write an OnDrawLegend event handler to take specific action after the Legend has finished drawing. The Canvas parameter points to the canvas where the Legend was drawn. The ARect rectangle contains the rectangle coordinates where the Legend was drawn.

Occurs after the RightAxis has finished drawing. Write an OnDrawRightAxis event handler to take specific action after the RightAxis has finished drawing. The Canvas parameter points to the canvas where the RightAxis was drawn. The ARect rectangle contains the rectangle coordinates where the RightAxis was drawn.

Occurs after the TopAxis has finished drawing. Write an OnDrawTopAxis event handler to take specific action after the TopAxis has finished drawing. The Canvas parameter points to the canvas where the TopAxis was drawn. The ARect rectangle contains the rectangle coordinates where the TopAxis was drawn.