Determines the color and pattern for filling graphical shapes and backgrounds for the current canvas.
Set the Brush property to specify the color and pattern to use when drawing the background or filling in graphical shapes. The value of Brush is a RSGdiPlusGraphics.TRSGPBrush object.
The Brush and Fill property refer to the same TRSGPBrush object. Use either one which is more compatible with your code from VCL or FMX

Specifies the clipping region for the canvas.
The ClipRegion describes an area of the display surface. The area can be any shape. In other words, the boundary of the area can be a combination of curved and straight lines. Regions can also be created from the interiors of rectangles, paths, or a combination of these. Regions are used in clipping drawing operations and hit-testing operations.

Specifies the compositing mode of the canvas

Specifies the compositing quality of the canvas. The compositing quality controls whether gamma correction is applied when colors are blended with background colors.

Determines the color and pattern for filling graphical shapes and backgrounds for the current canvas.
Set the Fill property to specify the color and pattern to use when drawing the background or filling in graphical shapes. The value of Fill is a RSGdiPlusGraphics.TRSGPBrush object.
The Brush and Fill property refer to the same TRSGPBrush object. Use either one which is more compatible with your code from VCL or FMX

Specifies the RSGdiPlusGraphics.TRSGPFont to use when writing text on the canvas.
Set the properties of TRSGPFont to specify the Family, Size, Style, and any other aspects of the font.

Returns the GDI+ handle of the Graphics object associated with the canvas

Specifies the interpolation mode currently set for this canvas. The interpolation mode determines the algorithm that is used when images are scaled or rotated.

Specifies the world transformation of the canvas

Specifies the scaling factor for the page transformation of this canvas object. The page transformation converts page coordinates to device coordinates.

Specifies the unit of measure for this canvas. The page unit belongs to the page transformation, which converts page coordinates to device coordinates.

Specifies the kind of pen (or stroke brush in FMX) the canvas uses for drawing lines and outlining shapes.
Set Pen to specify the pen to use for drawing lines and outlining shapes in the image. The value of Pen is a RSGdiPlusGraphics.TRSGPPen object. Set the properties of the TRSGPPen object to specify the color, fill, style, width, and mode of the pen.
Setting the Pen property assigns the specified TRSGPPen object, rather than replacing the current TRSPPen object.
The Stroke and Pen property refer to the same TRSGPPen object. Use either one which is more compatible with your code from VCL or FMX

Specifies the pixel offset mode of this canvas.

Returns the horizontal resolution, in dots per inch, of the display device associated with this canvas.

Returns the vertical resolution, in dots per inch, of the display device associated with this canvas.

Specifies the rendering quality of the canvas.

Specifies the text layout information (such as alignment, orientation, tab stops, and clipping) and display manipulations (such as trimming, font substitution for characters that are not supported by the requested font, and digit substitution for languages that do not use Western European digits). The string format is used in FillText calls.

Specifies the kind of pen (or stroke brush in FMX) the canvas uses for drawing lines and outlining shapes.
Set Stroke to specify the pen to use for drawing lines and outlining shapes in the image. The value of Stroke is a RSGdiPlusGraphics.TRSGPPen object. Set the properties of the TRSGPPen object to specify the color, fill, style, width, and mode of the pen.
Setting the Stroke property assigns the specified TRSGPPen object, rather than replacing the current TRSPPen object.
The Stroke and Pen property refer to the same TRSGPPen object. Use either one which is more compatible with your code from VCL or FMX

Specifies the contrast value of this canvas. The contrast value is used for antialiasing text.

Specifies the text rendering mode to use when drawing text. The process affects the quality of the text.