Encapsulates the GDI+ Bitmap class. The Bitmap class inherits from the TRSGPImage class. The Image class provides methods for loading and saving vector images (metafiles) and raster images (bitmaps). The Bitmap class expands on the capabilities of the Image class by providing additional methods for creating and manipulating raster images.
To create a VCL TBitmap from the image, call CreateBitmap method. To copy a VCL TBitmap or TGraphic to the image, call Image.Assign(Bitmap) method. To copy the image to a VCL TBitmap, call Bitmap.Assign(RSGPImage);

Encapsulates a GDI+ brush class. A Brush object is used to paint the interior of graphics shapes, such as rectangles, ellipses, pies, polygons, and paths.
Unlike most Delphi wrappers of GDI+, the TRSGPBrush class mimics the FMX TBrush class as closely as possible. You do not create TextureBrush or PathGradientBrush, you create a TRSGPBrush and change its Kind property.

Encapsulates the GDI+ Graphics class as a Delphi TCustomCanvas descendant. The TRSGPCanvas class provides methods for drawing lines, curves, figures, images, and text. A TRSGPCanvas object stores attributes of the display device and attributes of the items to be drawn.
Like the VCL TCanvas class or the FMX TCanvas class, the TRSGPCanvas exposes Brush, Pen, and Font properties. The TRSGPCanvas class implements the TCustomCanvas class to provide easier sharing of code between the VCL TCanvas and the TRSGPCanvas. It also exposes methods that implement the GDI+ Graphics class like the FMX TCanvas class, providing easy sharing with the FMX library as well.

The TRSGPRegion class describes an area of the display surface. The area can be any shape. In other words, the boundary of the area can be a combination of curved and straight lines. Regions can also be created from the interiors of rectangles, paths, or a combination of these. Regions are used in clipping and hit-testing operations.
Notes to Implementers
Wraps the Canvas' region. Needed because GDI+ API doesn't expose handle for Graphic's Region

Represents an object used to store the state (drawing and filling) of the canvas.

Encapsulates a custom line cap. A line cap defines the style of graphic used to draw the ends of a line. It can be various shapes, such as a square, circle, or diamond. A custom line cap is defined by the path that draws it. The path is drawn by using a Pen object to draw the outline of a shape or by using a Brush object to fill the interior. The cap can be used on either or both ends of the line. Spacing can be adjusted between the end caps and the line.

Encapsulates the characteristics, such as family, height, size, and style (or combination of styles), of a specific font. A Font object is used when drawing strings.

TRSGPGradient represents the class for gradient patterns.
A TRSGPGradient instance is used for creating a gradient pattern. A gradient defaults to having two points, and the colors of these two points are exposed as Color and Color1. But it can also have more than two colors, which requires modifying the TRSGPGradientPoints through the Points property. The gradient can start and end at any given point, and can be either linear (by default) or radial.

TRSGPGradientPoint represents an item in a collection of gradient points.
A TRSGPGradientPoint object holds information about the color and the offset of a specific point in a gradient. The points collectively determine the color transitions in a gradient. By default, TRSGPGradient has two color points.

TRSGPGradientPoints is a container for TRSGPGradientPoint objects.
TRSGPGradientPoints represents a collection of TRSGPGradientPoint objects. The items can be accessed through the Points property.

Base class for graphics objects (brush, pen, path, image, etc) in the RiverSoftAVG GDI+ library. The base graphics object contains a reference to the owning canvas.

Encapsulates the GDI+ Image class. The Image class provides methods for loading and saving raster images (bitmaps) and vector images (metafiles). An Image object encapsulates a bitmap or a metafile and stores attributes that you can retrieve by calling various Get methods. You can construct Image objects from a variety of file types including BMP, ICON, GIF, JPEG, Exif, PNG, TIFF, WMF, and EMF.
To create a VCL TBitmap from the image, call CreateBitmap method. To copy a VCL TBitmap or TGraphic to the image, call Image.Assign(Bitmap) method.

Encapsulates a GDI+ ImageAttributes class. An ImageAttributes object contains information about how bitmap and metafile colors are manipulated during rendering. An ImageAttributes object maintains several color-adjustment settings, including color-adjustment matrices, grayscale-adjustment matrices, gamma-correction values, color-map tables, and color-threshold values.

A TRSGPPath object stores a sequence of lines, curves, and shapes. You can draw the entire sequence by calling the TRSGPCanvas.DrawPath method. You can partition the sequence of lines, curves, and shapes into figures, and you can draw selected figures. You can also place markers in the sequence, so that you can draw selected portions of the path.

Defines a class for providing enumerators for the TRSGPPathPointKind from a TRSGPPath

Defines an enumerator class type for TRSGPPathPointKinds from a TRSGPPath

Defines an enumerator class type for TRSGPPathPoints from a TRSGPPath

Defines a class for providing enumerators for the TPointF from a TRSGPPath

Defines an enumerator class type for TRSGPPoints from a TRSGPPath

Encapsulates a GDI+ Pen object used to draw lines and curves. The TRSGPPen class determines the color and pattern used to draw lines and shape contours of the graphical primitives.
To customize the outline pen, change the Cap, Dash, and Join properties.
To draw with a custom line style, use the SetCustomDash method.

The TRSGPCanvasRegion class describes an area of the display surface. The area can be any shape. In other words, the boundary of the area can be a combination of curved and straight lines. Regions can also be created from the interiors of rectangles, paths, or a combination of these. Regions are used in clipping and hit-testing operations.
This region class requires a canvas owner.

Encapsulates a GDI+ StringFormat object. The StringFormat class encapsulates text layout information (such as alignment, orientation, tab stops, and clipping) and display manipulations (such as trimming, font substitution for characters that are not supported by the requested font, and digit substitution for languages that do not use Western European digits). A String Format object can be passed to the FillText Methods method to format a string.