Specifies the LineCap that appears as part of this CustomLineCap at the end of a line.

Specifies the base inset value of this custom line cap. This is the distance between the end of a line and the base cap.
If this value is greater than the length of the line, the behavior of this method is undefined.

Specifies the line cap that will be used for the end of the line to be drawn.

Handle of the graphics object, used by the MS GDI+ flat API routines (Inherited from RSGdiPlusGraphics.TRSGPGraphicsObject.)

Specifies the line join that will be used for two lines that are drawn by the same pen and that have overlapping ends.

Occurs when the graphics object changes.
There are two events that are exactly the same, OnChanged and OnChange. The extra event name is to allow easier transition from other Delphi libraries, either the VCL (OnChanged) or FMX (OnChange) libraries. Use either one as needed. Only one event is triggered.

Occurs when the graphics object changes.
There are two events that are exactly the same, OnChanged and OnChange. The extra event name is to allow easier transition from other Delphi libraries, either the VCL (OnChanged) or FMX (OnChange) libraries. Use either one as needed. Only one event is triggered.

Canvas that owns the object. The Canvas will free this graphics object if it is destroyed. However, to keep memory use under control, it is recommended that you free graphics objects when you are finished with them. (Inherited from RSGdiPlusGraphics.TRSGPGraphicsObject.)

Specifies the path shape of the custom line cap.
Important Note
The path shape should be fitted to the RectF(-0.5,-0.5,0.5,0.5)

Specifies the path shape as a string.
Important Note
The path shape should be fitted to the RectF(-0.5,-0.5,0.5,0.5)

Specifies the line cap that will be used for the start of the line to be drawn.

Controls whether the path that defines the custom line cap is used as a Fill path (True) or a Pen path (False)

Specifies the scaling factor that will be used to scale the line width. This is the amount to scale the custom line cap relative to the width of the Pen used to draw lines. The default value of 1.0 does not scale the line cap.