Specifies the color adjustment matrix for the specified category.

Specifies the CMYK output channel for a specified category.

Specifies the color key (transparency range) for a specified category.

Specifies the output channel color-profile file for a specified category.

Enables/Disables color and grayscale settings for the specified category

Specifies whether gamma adjustment occurs for a specified category.

Specifies the gamma value for a specified category.

Specifies the grayscale adjustment matrix for the specified category.

Handle of the graphics object, used by the MS GDI+ flat API routines (Inherited from RSGdiPlusGraphics.TRSGPGraphicsObject.)

Occurs when the graphics object changes.
There are two events that are exactly the same, OnChanged and OnChange. The extra event name is to allow easier transition from other Delphi libraries, either the VCL (OnChanged) or FMX (OnChange) libraries. Use either one as needed. Only one event is triggered.

Occurs when the graphics object changes.
There are two events that are exactly the same, OnChanged and OnChange. The extra event name is to allow easier transition from other Delphi libraries, either the VCL (OnChanged) or FMX (OnChange) libraries. Use either one as needed. Only one event is triggered.

Canvas that owns the object. The Canvas will free this graphics object if it is destroyed. However, to keep memory use under control, it is recommended that you free graphics objects when you are finished with them. (Inherited from RSGdiPlusGraphics.TRSGPGraphicsObject.)

Specifies the color-remap table for a specified category.
A color-remap table is an array of TRSGPColorMap structures. Each ColorMap structure has two Color fields: one that specifies an old color and one that specifies a corresponding new color. During rendering, any color that matches one of the old colors in the remap table is changed to the corresponding new color.

Specifies the threshold (transparency range) for a specified category.
The threshold is a value from 0 through 1 that specifies a cutoff point for each color component. For example, suppose the threshold is set to 0.7, and suppose you are rendering a color whose red, green, and blue components are 230, 50, and 220. The red component, 230, is greater than 0.7×255, so the red component will be changed to 255 (full intensity). The green component, 50, is less than 0.7×255, so the green component will be changed to 0. The blue component, 220, is greater than 0.7×255, so the blue component will be changed to 255.

Specifies how repeated copies of an image are used to tile an area.

Represents property WrapModeClamp.

Specifies the color of pixels outside of a rendered image. This color is visible if the WrapMode property is set to wmClamp and the source rectangle passed to TSGPCanvas.DrawImage method is larger than the image itself.