Adds a character range for this String Format object that, when in a string, can be measured.
A character range is a range of character positions within a string of text. The area of the display that is occupied by a group of characters that are specified by the character range, is the bounding region. A character range is set by AddMeasurableCharacterRange method. The number of ranges that are currently set can be determined by the MeasurableCharacterRangeCount property. This number is also the number of regions expected to be obtained by the MeasureCharacterRanges method.

Adds a tab stop and returns the current object.

Overloaded. Copies the GDI+ StringFormat object to the current RiverSoftAVG GDI+ string format object.

Overloaded. Represents method Assign(TPersistent).

Call this method when the graphics object changes. It triggers an OnChange event. (Inherited from RSGdiPlusGraphics.TRSGPGraphicsObject.)

Deletes all measurable character ranges from the string format object.

Clears all tab stops from the string format

Creates a copy of the graphics object (Inherited from RSGdiPlusGraphics.TRSGPGraphicsObject.)

Deletes a character range for this string format object. The character range deleted is specified by the index.

Deletes the tab stop at the specified position in the list of tab stops
Creates a generic, typographic StringFormat object. It is the responsibility of the calling routine to free the object.A generic, typographic StringFormat object has the following characteristics:
• String format flags sffLineLimit, sffFlagsNoClip, and sffNoFitBlackBox are set. • Character alignment and line alignment are set to saNear. • Language ID is set to neutral language, which means that the current language associated with the calling thread is used. • String digit substitution is set to sdsUser. • Hot key prefix is set to hpNone. • Number of tab stops is set to zero. • String trimming is set to stNone.
Converts the set of string format flags into an integer appropriate to pass into GDI+ API functions.
String format flags specify the set of text layout information (such as orientation and clipping) and display manipulations (such as ellipsis insertion, digit substitution, and representation of characters that are not supported by a font).
Converts a GDI+ flag integer into a set of string format flags .
String format flags specify the set of text layout information (such as orientation and clipping) and display manipulations (such as ellipsis insertion, digit substitution, and representation of characters that are not supported by a font).

Call this method to acquire a handle from the GDI+ flat API library (Overrides RSGdiPlusGraphics.TRSGPGraphicsObject.GetHandle.)

Called when the Canvas is releasing control of the graphics object. The canvas will no longer be responsible for freeing the graphics object. (Inherited from RSGdiPlusGraphics.TRSGPGraphicsObject.)

Prepare the graphics object for drawing. Graphics objects respond in this method to upcoming calls. For example, gradient brushes can make sure the gradient will cover the entire rectangle. (Inherited from RSGdiPlusGraphics.TRSGPGraphicsObject.)

Represents method QueryInterface(TGUID,Void). (Inherited from RSGdiPlusGraphics.TRSGPGraphicsObject.)

Releases the underlying GDI+ object back to the GDI+ library. (Overrides RSGdiPlusGraphics.TRSGPGraphicsObject.ReleaseHandle.)

Update native graphics object (Overrides RSGdiPlusGraphics.TRSGPGraphicsObject.Update.)

Represents method _AddRef. (Inherited from RSGdiPlusGraphics.TRSGPGraphicsObject.)

Represents method _Release. (Inherited from RSGdiPlusGraphics.TRSGPGraphicsObject.)