Represents method Assign(TPersistent).
Called when the position changes.
The Change method triggers an OnChange event.
Provides methods to read and write unpublished data.
DefineProperties is implemented so that the position is written as a single string in the form file, not as separate X and Y values.
DefineProperties uses the methods of the filer passed as the Filer parameter to assign methods that can load and save the Point property.
Returns true if the position is at the origin (0, 0)
Reads the coordinates of a point from the given Reader.
ReadPoint transforms the string data from the TReader given as a parameter into TPointF properties and assigns them to the Point property.
Returns the reflection of the current vector across a specified line.
Use the Reflect function to obtain the reflection of the current position across the perpendicular on the point given as parameter.
Sets the position without triggering an OnChange event.
Writes the properties of the current Point into the given TWriter object.
WritePoint transforms the properties of Point into a string and writes the result in the TWriter given as a parameter.