Defines the set of options for where and how the arrow head (the triangle portion) of an arrow should be drawn.
Defines a cross-library (VCL or FMX) color type. In VCL, the color type is TColor and in FMX the color type is TAlphaColor.
Use the TCanvasColor type to write cross-library code. The clxCOLOR constants define cross-library constants for setting colors.
Defines a cross-library (VCL or FMX) type for a pixel, Integer in VCL and Single in FMX.
Defines a cross-library (VCL or FMX) type for a point. In VCL, the point used in canvas functions is a TPoint. In FMX, the point used in canvas functions is a TPointF.
Use this type to create code that can copy and paste between libraries.
Defines a cross-library (VCL or FMX) type for an array of points. In VCL, the point used in canvas functions is a TPoint. In FMX, the point used in canvas functions is a TPointF.
Use this type to create code that can copy and paste between libraries.
Defines a cross-library (VCL or FMX) type for an array of polygons in the canvas point type
Defines a cross-library (VCL or FMX) type for a rectangle. In VCL, the rectangle used in canvas functions is a TRect. In FMX, the rectangle used in canvas functions is a TRectF.
Use this type to create code that can copy and paste between libraries.
Defines a cross-library (VCL or FMX) type for a size. In VCL, the size record used in canvas functions is a TSize. In FMX, the size record used in canvas functions is a TSizeF.
Use this type to create code that can copy and paste between libraries.
Defines a list of colors used in a color scheme
Defines a cross-library (VCL or FMX) array of colors type. In VCL, the color type is TColor and in FMX the color type is TAlphaColor.
Use the TColors type to write cross-library code. The clxCOLOR constants define cross-library constants for setting colors.
Defines a cross-library (VCL or FMX) type for an increased precision pixel to be used in CanvasXXX functions, Int64 in VCL and Double in FMX.
The higher precision TExtCanvasPixel type is used for the return values of CanvasXXX functions so that they do not overflow. Delphi will automatically scale them back down to the regular canvas pixel precision numbers when you assign the results to a TCanvasPixel variable.
Defines the step direction for each gradient direction
Defines a cross-library (VCL or FMX) type for an array of array of integer points, i.e., a 2D dimensional, for defining a bunch of polygons (each array of points is a polygon).
Defines a cross-library (VCL or FMX) type for an array of integer points.
Specifies a set of RSGraphics.TRSCorner type values.
Use TRSCorners to select a set of corners in a rectangle.
Use AllCorners to select all four possible TRSCorner values.
Defines the control points for a cubic bezier curve, i.e., two end points and two control points.
Defines the floating point type for graphics functions and structures.
TRSMatrix is an array of vectors in a two-dimensional space. It is used for vector transformations in 2D-space.
TRSMatrix is a record that represents three vectors, each in a two-dimensional space. The vectors have their initial points in (0, 0). m11 and m12 are the coordinates of the terminal point of the first vector (similar for the other two). The TRSMatrix is used for vector transformations in 2D-space.
This class is for earlier versions of Delphi that did not define a TMatrix type. For later versions of Delphi, TRSMatrix = TMatrix.
Defines an array of vectors that represents a matrix.
Represents an array of the TSingleDynArray type.
Defines the class of RSGraphics.TRSPathData.
Defines a cross-library (VCL or FMX) type for an object to draw lines or outline shapes on a canvas, TPen in VCL and TStrokeBrush in FMX.
Defines a cross-library (VCL or FMX) image type, TPicture in VCL and TBitmap in FMX.
Defines a pixel location on-screen.
The TRSPoint type defines the floating-point X and Y coordinates of a pixel location on-screen, with the origin in the upper-left corner. X and Y specify the horizontal and vertical coordinates of a point, respectively.
The type of X and Y is TRSGfxFloat (Single).
Defines a cross-library (VCL or FMX) type for an array of polygons in the canvas point type
Defines a cross-library (VCL or FMX) type for an array of single-precision points, which represent one polygon.
Defines a cross-library (VCL or FMX) type for an array of polygons, which is an array of array of single-precision points.
TRSRect defines a rectangle, with coordinates in floating points.
TRSRect represents the location and dimensions of a rectangle. The coordinates are specified as either four separate Single coordinates representing the left, top, right, and bottom sides, or as two points representing the locations of the upper-left and lower-right corners.
Typically, TRSRect values represent pixel locations, where the origin of the pixel coordinate system is in the upper-left corner of the screen (screen coordinates) or the upper-left corner of a control's client area (client coordinates). When a TRSRect value represents a rectangle on the screen, by convention, the top and left edges are considered inside the rectangle and the bottom and right edges are considered outside the rectangle. This convention allows the width of the rectangle to be Right - Left and the height to be Bottom - Top.
Defines a set of geometric shapes
Specifies the set of sides of a rectangle to be displayed.
To select all the sides, use AllSides.
Represents the floating-point width and height of an object.
TRSSize represents the floating-point size of an object using the Width and Height properties:
• Width is stored in the cx field.
• Height is stored in the cy field. |