Reads and writes the current length using the specified unit. Setting this property will convert the length to the new unit and the Raw value will be changed. (Inherited from RSSVGTypes.TSVGLength.)
Specifies the units (e.g., inches, centimeters, etc) that the length is currently specified in. (Inherited from RSSVGTypes.TSVGLength.)
Defines the default RSSVGTypes.TSVGLength.IsPercent value, used to determine if the IsPercent value should be streamed (Inherited from RSSVGTypes.TSVGLength.)
Specifies whether the RSSVGTypes.TSVGLength.Raw value should be interpreted as a percentage or not (with 0 being 0% and 1 equal to 100%) (Inherited from RSSVGTypes.TSVGLength.)
Occurs when the length is changed, either the value or the units (Inherited from RSSVGTypes.TSVGLength.)
Controls whether the Value property should return the parent's length value (i.e., the length is inherited) or its own value (Inherited from RSSVGTypes.TSVGStylePropertyLength.)
Returns the length in pixels by converting the RSSVGTypes.TSVGLength.Raw value from its units to pixels, using the RSSVGTypes.TSVGLength.GetUnitFactors for conversion of the raw value. If the raw value is a percentage, the property returns the raw value as a value between 0 and 1. Use the RSSVGTypes.TSVGLength.Value property to convert the percentage into a value in its range. (Inherited from RSSVGTypes.TSVGLength.)
Defines the raw value in the current unit. The length class uses this value as the base value of the length. When you request the raw value in Pixels, the class converts the raw value to number of pixels using the Unit Factors. (Inherited from RSSVGTypes.TSVGLength.)
Specifies the repositioning of the dominant-baseline relative to the dominant-baseline of the parent text content element. The shifted object might be a sub- or superscript. Within the shifted object, the whole baseline-table is offset; not just a single baseline. The amount of the shift is determined from information from the parent text content element, the sub- or superscript offset from the nominal font of the parent text content element, percent of the "line-height" of the parent text content element or an absolute value.
Returns the RSSVGTypes.TSVGStyleProperty that this length is used for. (Inherited from RSSVGTypes.TSVGStylePropertyLength.)
Specifies the length value in pixels (based on converting from the Unit). If the length is a percentage, the Pixels value is converted to a final value using the range of the length (Inherited from RSSVGTypes.TSVGLength.)