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Extends the TRSChartGraphic class to encapsulate properties about grid tick marks, including pen length and    MinorTickCount. The TRSAxisGrid class implements these properties for the FMX.RS.ChartPanel.TRSChartAxis class as its Grid property.


Namespace: FMX.RS.ChartPanel

expandingInheritance Hierarchy




  TRSAxisGrid = class(TRSChartGraphic)





public constructor


Initializes a new instance of the TRSAxisGrid class.

public destructor


Represents the destructor of the TRSAxisGrid class. (Overrides FMX.RS.ChartPanel.TRSChartGraphic.Destroy.)






public property


Represents property Axis.

protected property


Represents property AxisLine.

published property


Defines the set of grid marks that the axis grid should draw. Each grid mark type is drawn with its own pen:     GridPen for the major grid,     MinorGridPen for the minor grid, and     TicksPen for the tick marks.


published property


Specifies the kind of pen that should be used to draw the major grid lines. Set Pen to specify the pen to use for drawing major grid lines in the chart. The value of Pen is a TRSPen object, which is TPen in VCL and TStrokeBrush in FMX. Set the properties of the TRSPen object to specify the color, style, width, and mode of the pen.

The major grid is only drawn if it is specified in the     DrawOptions property.

published property


Specifies the length of the tick mark on the inside of the chart area.

The TickLength property, along with the     InnerLength property, specify the length of tick marks in pixels that are drawn at the major grid interval. The TickLength property specifies the portion of the tick mark on the outside of the grid. If either the TickLength property or the InnerLength property is greater than 0, and doDrawTickMarks is in     DrawOptions, then a tick mark on the major grid interval is drawn.

protected property


Represents property MajorGridInterval.

protected property


Represents property MajorGridStart.

published property


Specifies the kind of pen that should be used to draw the minor grid lines. Set Pen to specify the pen to use for drawing minro grid lines in the chart. The value of Pen is a TRSPen object, which is TPen in VCL and TStrokeBrush in FMX. Set the properties of the TPen object to specify the color, style, width, and mode of the pen.

The minor grid is only drawn if it is specified in the     DrawOptions property.

published property


Specifies the number of minor grid marks and minor tick marks between every major grid mark.

published property


Specifies the length of tick marks that are drawn at the minor grid interval (see     MinorTickCount).

If both the MinorTickLength property and the MinorTickCount property are greater than 0, and doDrawTickMarks is in DrawOptions, then a tick mark on the minor grid interval is drawn with the specified MinorTickLength.

public property


Occurs immediately after the chart graphic object changes. Write an OnChange event handler to take specific action when the chart graphic changes. The properties of the chart graphic reflect the new settings when OnChange occurs.


For chart graphics that a chart or chart panel creates, you shouldn't assign a handler to this event. The chart or chart panel has already assigned an event handler.

published property


Represents property Opacity.

published property


Specifies the Origin for the axis so that a line perpendicular to the axis can be draw

published property


Specifies the kind of pen that should be used to draw the origin line. Set Pen to specify the pen to use for drawing tick marks in the chart. The value of Pen is a TRSPen object, which is TPen in VCL and TStrokeBrush in FMX. Set the properties of the TPen object to specify the color, style, width, and mode of the pen.

The origin line is only drawn if it is specified in the     DrawOptions property.

published property


Specifies the portion of the tick mark on the outside of the grid.

The TickLength property, along with the     InnerLength property, specify the length of tick marks in pixels that are drawn at the major grid interval. The InnerLength property specifies the length of the tick mark on the inside of the chart area. If either the TickLength property or the InnerLength property is greater than 0 and doDrawTickMarks is in     DrawOptions, then a tick mark on the major grid interval is drawn.

published property


Specifies the kind of pen that should be used to draw the tick marks. Set Pen to specify the pen to use for drawing tick marks in the chart. The value of Pen is a TRSPen object, which is TPen in VCL and TStrokeBrush in FMX. Set the properties of the TPen object to specify the color, style, width, and mode of the pen.

The tick marks are only drawn if they are specified in the     DrawOptions property.

published property


Represents property Visible.






public method


Copies the contents of another similar object to the current object

alert_noteNotes to Inheritors

Most objects override Assign to handle the assignment of properties from similar objects. When overriding Assign, call the inherited method if the destination object cannot handle the assignment of properties from the class of the Source parameter

protected method


Overloaded. Represents method Changed. (Inherited from FMX.RS.ChartPanel.TRSChartGraphic.)

public method


Creates a "deep" copy of the chart graphic. It constructs a new chart graphic of the correct type and then calls the   Assign method to copy its properties to the new copy. (Inherited from FMX.RS.ChartPanel.TRSChartGraphic.)

public method


Overloaded. Paints the chart graphic to the specified Canvas in the specified location. It uses the current canvas' brush and pen. Use the Draw method to paint the chart graphic to any canvas and anywhere and with any size on the canvas.

alert_noteNotes to Inheritors

Descendant classes of TRSChartGraphic override the InternalDraw method to actually paint themselves.

public method


Overloaded.  Paints the chart graphic to the specified Canvas in the specified location. It uses the current canvas' brush and pen. Use the Draw method to paint the chart graphic to any canvas and anywhere and with any size on the canvas.

The VertAxis and HorizAxis parameters can be used to provide point to pixel conversions (see FMX.RS.ChartPanel.TRSChartAxis ).

alert_noteNotes to Inheritors

Descendant classes of TRSChartGraphic override the InternalDraw method to actually paint themselves.

protected method


Represents method Drawing(TCanvas,TCanvasRect). (Inherited from FMX.RS.ChartPanel.TRSChartGraphic.)

protected method


Represents method Drawn(TCanvas,TCanvasRect). (Inherited from FMX.RS.ChartPanel.TRSChartGraphic.)

protected method


Represents method DrawSegment(TCanvas,TCanvasRect,TRSChartValueType,TRSChartValueType,TRSChartValueType,TRSChartValueType,TRSPoint,TCanvasPoint,Boolean,Boolean,TCanvasRect,TCanvasRect,Double,Double).

protected method


Represents method FreeNotification(TObject). (Inherited from FMX.RS.ChartPanel.TRSChartGraphic.)

protected method


Represents method Initialize. (Overrides FMX.RS.ChartPanel.TRSChartGraphic.Initialize.)

protected method


Represents method InitializeEvents. (Overrides FMX.RS.ChartPanel.TRSChartGraphic.InitializeEvents.)

protected method


Represents method InternalDraw(TCanvas,TCanvasRect). (Overrides FMX.RS.ChartPanel.TRSChartGraphic.InternalDraw(TCanvas,TCanvasRect).)

public method


Represents method IsOriginVisible.

protected method


Overloaded. Represents method SenderChanged(TObject). (Inherited from FMX.RS.ChartPanel.TRSChartGraphic.)

protected method


Represents method ShouldDrawMajorTicks.

protected method


Represents method ShouldDrawMinorTicks.

public method


Overloaded.  Tiles the image across the entire input rectangle.

The Image is drawn at full size from the top left of the ARect across and down until outside of the input rectangle. Use the overloaded TiledDraw methods to constrain the size of the Image.

public method


Overloaded.  Tiles the image across the entire input rectangle.

The Image is drawn at ImageWidth, ImageHeight size from the top left of the ARect across and down until outside of the input rectangle.

public method


Overloaded.  Tiles the image across the entire input rectangle.

The Image is drawn at ImageRect size from the top left of the ARect across and down until outside of the input rectangle.

protected method


Represents method VisibleChanged. (Overrides FMX.RS.ChartPanel.TRSChartGraphic.VisibleChanged.)






public event


Occurs just after the chart graphic is painted. Write an OnDraw event handler to take specific action when the chart graphic has finished painting. The OnDraw event also allows you to do custom painting after the chart graphic has painted. (Inherited from FMX.RS.ChartPanel.TRSChartGraphic.)

public event


Occurs just before the chart graphic is painted. Write an OnDrawing event handler to take specific action when the chart graphic is about to paint. If the event handler sets the DoDraw parameter to False, the chart graphic will not be painted. The OnDraw event also allows you to do custom painting before the chart graphic has been painted. (Inherited from FMX.RS.ChartPanel.TRSChartGraphic.)


expandingSee Also

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RiverSoftAVG Charting Component Suite (RCCS) © 2005-2015, Thomas G. Grubb