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Represents namespace FMX.RS.ChartPanel.





public class


Maintains an interface list that only contains IChartPanelListeners and notifies the owner when things change

The TRSChartPanel and TRSCustomChart classes use this class to maintain the list of listeners interested in changes to their state.

public class


Represents type TControlCrack.

public class


Extends the TRSChartGraphic class to encapsulate properties about grid tick marks, including pen length and     MinorTickCount. The TRSAxisGrid class implements these properties for the FMX.RS.ChartPanel.TRSChartAxis class as its Grid property.


public class


Extends the FMX.RS.ChartPanel.TRSChartGraphic class to provide the properties and behavior of a chart axis for a FMX.RS.ChartPanel.TRSCustomChartPanel component. The TRSChartAxis class is responsible for managing the display of an axis (e.g., grid lines, labels, title) and for managing the range of chart values on an axis and converting between axis values and pixel values.

The TRSCustomChartPanel component uses the TRSChartAxis class for its four axes:     BottomAxis,     LeftAxis,     RightAxis, and     TopAxis. A FMX.RS.ChartPanel.TRSCustomChart component also keeps a reference to the horizontal and vertical axis that apply to its chart values (see     HorizontalAxis and     VerticalAxis properties).

The most important properties of the chart axis class are the     Minimum and     Maximum properties, which specify the range of the axis, and the ZoomMinimum and ZoomMaximum properties, which specify the zoomed range (e.g., visible range) of the axis. The     Options property controls the display of the axis and well as controlling whether the axis automatically updates its Minimum and Maximum range values based on the Charts, and their values, assigned to the axis.

The most important methods of the axis are the     AxisToPixel and     PixelToAxis methods, which are responsible for converting between the actual values of the axis and their location on a Canvas.

public class


Extends the FMX.RS.ChartPanel.TRSChartGraphic class to provide the properties and the drawing code to paint a gradient in an area of the chart panel.

public class


Defines a base class for graphic (label, axis, etc) object in the chart panel or a chart

public class


Extends the FMX.RS.ChartPanel.TRSChartGraphic class to add graphical properties that are useful for chart panel graphics that paint on an area of the panel, such as   Brush and Pen .

public class


Implements the properties and methods necessary to display a header or footer in a chart panel. This includes properties such as   Text and Font. The TRSChartHeader class extends the FMX.RS.ChartPanel.TRSChartImageArea class and redefines the Draw method to properly draw a header or footer.

public class


Extends the FMX.RS.ChartPanel.TRSChartGraphicArea class to provide the ability to display an Image in the graphic area, such as for the FMX.RS.ChartPanel.TRSChartHeader.

public class


Extends the FMX.RS.ChartPanel.TRSChartLabelMetaData class to publish not only the metadata of a label but the actual label (   Text property) itself.

public class


Extends the FMX.RS.ChartPanel.TRSCustomChartLabel class and publishes the metadata of a label, e.g., all the properties about the label except for the label itself. This class is useful for classes such as the FMX.RS.ChartPanel.TRSChartLegend class, where you don't want to publish the Text property because the label is automatically generated by the charts yet you do want to publish properties to control the appearance of the label.

public class


Extends the FMX.RS.ChartPanel.TRSChartGraphic class to provide additional properties that are useful for a chart layer. A chart layer is similar to layers in Adobe Photoshop. The FMX.RS.ChartPanel.TRSChartPanel component displays itself using layers: there is a background layer that is painted first followed by a gradient layer which is painted on top (and can obscure) the background layer. Then, the charts and related graphical elements are displayed (e.g., header, footer, legend, axes). Finally, the TRSChartPanel paints a foreground layer on top of everything. The TRSChartLayer class provides the graphical properties for the Background and Foreground layers.

public class


Extends the FMX.RS.ChartPanel.TRSChartLabelMetaData class to provide the ability to draw the legend of a chart panel. It also adds properties for the legend, including   BoxSize, Lines , and LegendStyle .

public class


Encapsulates a list of FMX.RS.ChartPanel.TRSCustomChart components. The FMX.RS.ChartPanel.TRSCustomChartPanel component uses this class (     Charts property) to hold what charts to display in the panel. The FMX.RS.ChartPanel.TRSChartAxis class uses this class ( Charts property) to hold the charts that are associated with the axis.


The order of the charts in the list matters. For the chart panel, the chart at Index 0 is drawn first, and then every chart is drawn over it. For the chart axis, the first chart defines the labels.

public class


Represents type TRSChartListEnumerator.

public class


The TRSChartPanel component publishes the properties and events of its TRSCustomChartPanel component ancestor. The TRSCustomChartPanel component provides the panel or the canvas which is the visual parent of the charts (and where they are drawn) and where the user interacts with the charts (zooming, panning, selecting). It provides the ability to significantly customize the look and feel of objects that are drawn with a chart: axes, legend, shadow, gradients, foreground and background, etc.

Panel Itself
Background (the surface or layer behind all chart panel elements)
Gradient (Drawn behind the chart panel elements and obscures the Background)
Header (the area above where the charts are drawn)
Footer (the area below where the charts are drawn)
Legend (the text box that labels the charts or their values)
Foreground (the surface or layer in front of all chart panel elements)

In addition, the ChartShadow defines the attributes of the shadow that all chart elements can optionally cast.Except for the panel and the charts, each element of the chart descends, either directly or indirectly, from the TRSChartGraphic class, which provides common properties and methods of the elements of the chart. You can control which elements are drawn by setting each element's Visible property.

public class


Extends the FMX.RS.ChartPanel.TRSChartGraphicArea class to add properties and methods for drawing a shadow for an element of the chart panel or a chart. The shadow class accepts a     Size and     Direction, which specify the Size in pixels and Direction of the shadow.

The following graphic shows the interrelationships of the elements of the TRSChartShadow class: ShadowRectExample

public class


Defines one point/pie/bar/etc in a chart. A chart is made up of a collection of values ( FMX.RS.ChartPanel.TRSChartValues), where each TRSChartValue descendant defines the information for one point, one pie slice, one shape, etc for the chart. The TRSChartValue class defines the base value class and common properties to all values, including Caption, Color , and   Values.


To copy one value to another:

Create the new value, either by using the class constructor or the Add method of the collection
Use the         Assign method to copy properties from the old value to the newly created value. Note, that all TRSChartValue descendants can be assigned to each other. The assign method will only copy methods that are shared by the values.

alert_noteNotes to Inheritors

The following steps will describe what and why you need to do to create a descendant class. However, please see the source code in the RSCharts unit for specific examples.

First, you need to decide how many dimensions you need for your descendant class. The TRSChartValue class provides access to the X, Y, and Z dimension for a value (The RSCharts|TRS2DChartValue class exposes the Y dimension. Likewise, the RSCharts|TRS3DChartValue class exposes the Z dimension). To provide automatic support of these dimensions, the TRSChartValue class stores all three dimensions in the Values property, which provides access to protected array field ( RSChartConsts|TRSChartValueTypeArray ). Descendant classes can redefine the size of this protected array field to hold any other RSChartConsts|TRSChartValueType (double) properties.
Add any other properties you need
Override the         Assign method to copy the properties (you don't need to do it for the Values property.
Override the FMX.RS.ChartPanel.TRSChartValues collection
Finally, create your descendant chart class and override the protected         CreateChartValues method to create your new value collection class.

public class


Defines the collection of all points in a chart. A chart is made up of a collection of values ( FMX.RS.ChartPanel.TRSChartValue ), where each TRSChartValue descendant defines the information for one point, one pie slice, one shape, etc for the chart. The TRSChartValue class defines the base value class and common properties to all values, including     Caption, Color , and Values.

The TRSChartValues collection defines the base collection class and common properties to all collection of values, such as     DimensionCount,     MaxValues, and     MinValues.

Note that the TRSChartValues collection provides built-in support for limiting the number of values in the collection (using the Limit property).

public class


Represents type TRSChartValuesEnumerator.

public class


The TRSCustomChart component is the base class for all chart types in the RiverSoftAVG Charting Component Suite. The TRSCustomChart component provides the common properties and methods for a chart type, including the     HorizontalAxis and     VerticalAxis to use for the chart,     Caption and Font , and most importantly, the     Values property.

The Values property is the most important property of a chart type and allows you to define the chart values at design-time or run-time. It provides all the information about an individual chart point, not only position but also Caption, Visibility, and Selected. Each chart type uses the FMX.RS.ChartPanel.TRSChartValues class appropriate to their chart type, e.g., a bar chart has a 1D value type, line charts have 2D value types, and shape charts use 2D value types with shape/image information.


Charts are TGraphicControl descendants for VCL and TControl descendants for FMX. Display charts on a chart panel (with integrated axes, legend, header, footers, etc) or stand-alone (allowing use of FMX effects or embedding within other controls). Set the Panel property to the FMX.RS.ChartPanel.TRSChartPanel you want the chart displayed inside or nil for stand-alone use.

public class


Extends the FMX.RS.ChartPanel.TRSChartGraphic class to provide the ability to draw a label. It also adds properties for the label, including   Alignment, Font , and Text.

public class


The TRSCustomChartPanel component provides the panel or the canvas which is the visual parent of the charts (and where they are drawn) and where the user interacts with the charts (zooming, panning, selecting). The TRSCustomChartPanel component is the base class for the FMX.RS.ChartPanel.TRSChartPanel component. It provides the ability to significantly customize the look and feel of objects that are drawn with a chart: axes, legend, shadow, gradients, foreground and background, etc.

Panel Itself
Background (the surface or layer behind all chart panel elements)
Gradient (Drawn behind the chart panel elements and obscures the Background)
Header (the area above where the charts are drawn)
Footer (the area below where the charts are drawn)
Legend (the text box that labels the charts or their values)
Foreground (the surface or layer in front of all chart panel elements)

In addition, the ChartShadow defines the attributes of the shadow that all chart elements can optionally cast.Except for the panel and the charts, each element of the chart descends, either directly or indirectly, from the TRSChartGraphic class, which provides common properties and methods of the elements of the chart. You can control which elements are drawn by setting each element's Visible property.

public class


Represents type TRSLocalChartAxis.






public interface


Defines the interface for a class that wishes to listen to TRSChartPanel and TRSCustomChart events

Implement the IChartPanelListener to make your class be able to respond to changes in the chart panel, a chart, or a chart's values






public delegate


Defines the method signature for chart list notification event handlers.

public delegate


Defines the method signature for an event handler that returns the pixel for where a label should be located when drawing axes

public delegate


Defines the method signature for a chart axis event handler.

public delegate


Defines the method signature for a chart axis update event handler. Set Handled to True if the axis has been updated in user code.

public delegate


Defines the method signature for a chart draw event handler. The Canvas parameter contains the canvas that has just been painted on, and the ARect parameter specifies where on the canvas the chart was drawn. Use a draw event handler to paint to the canvas after the chart has been painted.

public delegate


Defines the method signature for a chart drawing event handler. The Canvas parameter contains the canvas that is about to painted on, and the ARect parameter specifies where on the canvas the chart will be drawn. Use a drawing event handler to paint to the canvas before the chart is painted or to stop the drawing of the chart. By setting DoDraw to False, the chart drawing can be stopped.

public delegate


Defines the method signature for a chart event handler. The Chart parameter contains the TRSCustomChart instance that caused the event.

public delegate


Defines the method signature for a chart value event handler. The Chart parameter contains the TRSCustomChart instance that contains the value and the Value parameter contains the TRSChartValue instance that caused the event.

public delegate


Defines the method signature for a chart value event handler. The Value parameter contains the TRSChartValue instance that caused the event.

public delegate


Defines the method signature for a value notification event handler, i.e., when a TRSChartValue is being added, extracted, or deleted from a TRSChartValues collection.

public delegate


Defines the method signature for a value comparison event handler, which compares two values of a TRSChartValues collection. The List parameter contains the TRSChartValues, and the Index1 and Index2 parameters specify the values to compare.

alert_noteNotes to Implementers

The List parameter specifies the collection being sorted and the Index1 and Index2 parameters specify the indices being compared. The function should return -1 if Items[Index1] is supposed to be less than Items[Index2], 0 if equal, and 1 if Items[Index1] is greater than Items[Index2].






public type


Represents type TRSChartAxisClass.

public type


Defines the method signature for a chart function event handler. A Chart function event handler transforms the SourceChart values (from IndexLow to IndexHigh) into a value for the TargetChart. The TimeStamp contains the optional timestamp that can be added to the value

public type


Represents type TRSChartGraphicClass.

public type


Represents type TRSChartValueClass.

public type


Represents type TRSChartValuesClass.

public type


Represents type TRSCustomChartClass.






public variable


Represents variable ChartClasses.

public variable


Represents variable ColorListIndex.






public method


Returns the log cycles between xmin and xmax and the percent that each cycle (1 except for the boundary cycles) is in the entire range specified by xmin and xmax.

public method


Compares two charts values by their     SortByDimension and returns -1 if Index1 < Index2, 0 if equal, and 1 if Index1 > Index2.

Used to Sort the chart values

public method


Returns the default MarginsRect

public method


Returns the chart class type that corresponds to the input ChartType parameter


This function will return nil if the given chart class has not been registered. To ensure a chart class is registered, use that unit (i.e., uses RSDonutCharts) or use all units (i.e., uses RSRegisterAllCharts) in your main application

public method


Overloaded. Returns a unique color every time it is called up to a certain point. After the nth call, the colors cycle back to the beginning.

public method


Overloaded. Returns a chart color. If the Owner parameter is not nil, the method returns the Color of the chart. If the Owner is nil, then the method cycles through a list of unique colors.

public method


Returns the TRSChartType for the chart. Note that this function just calls the   GetChartType class function.

public method


Returns a label useful for a legend based on the chart and chart value. The LegendStyle controls what type of label is returned

public method


Returns true if the legend should show chart names (more than one TRSCustomChart being displayed in the panel or the LegendStyle requires it) and false if the legend should show chart values (only one TRSCustomChart in the panel or the LegendStyle requires it)

public method


Modify arect by using margins as pixels or as percentage of arect

public method


Registers the chart class with the RiverSoftAVG Charting Component Suite. Call RegisterChart with the chart class you want to be registered before trying to use the   GetChartClass function.


This method is automatically called by the units you use in your application. If GetChartClass returns nil for a chart type, it means that unit has not been compiled into your application. Add the unit to your uses clause or add the RSRegisterAllCharts unit to your uses clause


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RiverSoftAVG Charting Component Suite (RCCS) © 2005-2015, Thomas G. Grubb