Specifies the part of the chart panel ( FMX.RS.ChartPanel.TRSCustomChartPanel ) where the legend will be drawn
Represents property Alignment.
Represents property Angle.
Specifies the size in pixels for the color rectangle that is put next to each legend label. When a value or a chart is put on the legend, a small box or glyph with the color of the value or chart is put beside it. This property controls the size of the color box or glyph.
Determines the color and pattern for filling the legend. Set the Brush property to specify the color and pattern to use when drawing the background or filling in graphical shapes in the legend. The value of Brush is a TBrush object. Set the properties of the TBrush object to specify the color and pattern or bitmap to use when filling in spaces on the legend canvas.
Specifies the index of the first visible line in the legend, usually 0. Change the FirstIndex if you want the legend to start displaying lines at something besides the first line.
Controls whether the legend automatically updates its Lines property. If Fixed is True, the legend will not try to automatically fill the Lines property.
If you set the Fixed property at design-time, the legend will not draw any boxes or glyphs
Represents property Font.
Represents property FontFill.
Controls the text style of the legend, e.g., what are the labels of the chart. (See RSChartConsts|TRSLegendStyle for more information). The legend uses the LegendStyle to determine what strings to put in the Lines property.
Contains the strings that the legend displays. Usually, the legend fills the Lines property based on the LegendStyle and TextStyle as well as how many charts are being painted in the chart panel. Use the Lines property to provide quick access to the labels of the legend.
Specifies the margins, or empty space, for the top, left, right, and bottom of the legend. Use the Margins property to specifies the legend margins in pixels.
Defines the maximum number of columns the legend will display.
Defines the maximum number of rows or lines the legend will display. Be careful how large you set the MaxRows property as you can easily make the legend too big for the chart. If you increase the rows, you may want to also decrease the Font size to allow the increased number of rows.
Constrains the width of the legend to a percentage of the total chart panel size. Usually, the width of the legend is dictated by the longest line in the Lines property. However, if that line is really long, this would mean that the legend would be bigger than the TRSCustomChartPanel.Width itself. This property constrains the width of the legend to a percentage of the chart panel width, by default 25%.
Represents property NeedsUpdate.
Represents property OnGetLegendStrings.
Represents property Opacity.
Specifies the options for the legend box or glyph
Controls whether the legend is drawn on top of the charts in the chart panel or overlayed on top of the charts in the chart panel.
When Overlay is True, the charts are drawn at full size and the legend will be drawn over the charts and possibly obscuring them. When Overlay is False (the default), the legend occupies part of the chart panel and the charts are drawn in the other area. How much the legend occupies when Overlay is False is dependent on the MaxRows , MaxWidthPct and Align property. If Align is left or right, the legend occupies at most MaxWidthPct of the chart panel. If the legend is aligned with the top or bottom, the legend will occupy at most MaxRows lines (but usually less as the legend tries to create multiple columns in this case).
Returns the FMX.RS.ChartPanel.TRSCustomChartPanel instance that owns this legend.
Specifies the kind of pen the chart legend uses for drawing lines and outlining shapes. Set Pen to specify the pen to use for drawing lines and outlining shapes in the legend. The value of Pen is a TPen object in VCL or TStrokeBrush in FMX. Set the properties of the TRSPen object to specify the color, style, width, and mode of the pen.
Defines the outer rectangle shape used for the legend
Represents property ResizeBounds.
Defines the shadow used for the legend. Use the properties of this class to modify the shadow of the legend. The shape of the shadow is defined by the RectStyle property.
Defines the format for the FMX.RS.ChartPanel.TRSChartValue labels in the legend. The FormatValue method uses this property to determine what string format to use.
Represents property TextVerticalAlign.
Represents property Visible.