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Encapsulates a list of FMX.RS.ChartPanel.TRSCustomChart components. The FMX.RS.ChartPanel.TRSCustomChartPanel component uses this class (    Charts property) to hold what charts to display in the panel. The FMX.RS.ChartPanel.TRSChartAxis class uses this class ( Charts property) to hold the charts that are associated with the axis.


The order of the charts in the list matters. For the chart panel, the chart at Index 0 is drawn first, and then every chart is drawn over it. For the chart axis, the first chart defines the labels.

Namespace: FMX.RS.ChartPanel

expandingInheritance Hierarchy




  TRSChartList = class(TRSComponentList) 





public constructor


Constructs the chart list and sets the Owner property to the AOwner parameter.






public property


Returns the active chart in the chart list.

The ActiveChart is the most important chart in the chart list. It is used by the FMX.RS.ChartPanel.TRSChartAxis class to determine the LabelStyle and if it is IsDateTime axis. It is also used by the legend ( FMX.RS.ChartPanel.TRSChartLegend). The ActiveChart must be a visible chart.

public property


Provides direct access to the charts in the list. Use Items to directly access a chart in the list. Index identifies each chart by its position in the list.

Items is the default property of TRSChartList. That means you can omit the property name. Thus, instead of writing ChartList.Items[i], you can write ChartList[i]

public property


Returns the number of visible charts in the list (e.g., FMX.RS.ChartPanel.TRSCustomChart.Visible is true) that should be shown in a legend (coShowInLegend in Options)

public property


Returns the number of visible charts in the list (e.g., FMX.RS.ChartPanel.TRSCustomChart.Visible is true).

public property


Returns the chart panel that owns the chart list. If the chart list is part of a chart axis ( FMX.RS.ChartPanel.TRSChartAxis), this property returns nil.






public method


Adds a chart to the list. Call Add to add a chart to the list. The Add method returns the Index where the new Item is located.

If you add a chart to the TRSCustomChartPanel.Charts list, the chart's Panel property is changed to the panel and it is displayed. If you add a chart to a TRSChartAxis.Charts list, the chart's HorizontalAxis or VerticalAxis is assigned to that chart axis.

The order of the charts in the list matters. For the chart panel, the chart at Index 0 is drawn first, and then every chart is drawn over it. For the chart axis, the first chart defines the labels.

public method


Adds a chart to the list. Call AddOne to add a chart to the list. The Add method returns the Index where the new Item is located. The chart is only added to the list if it is not already in the list.

If you add a chart to the TRSCustomChartPanel.Charts list, the chart's Panel property is changed to the panel and it is displayed. If you add a chart to a TRSChartAxis.Charts list, the chart's HorizontalAxis or VerticalAxis is assigned to that chart axis.

The order of the charts in the list matters. For the chart panel, the chart at Index 0 is drawn first, and then every chart is drawn over it. For the chart axis, the first chart defines the labels.

public method


Removes the chart from the chart list. The method removes the specified chart from the list. Call Extract to remove a chart from the list. After a chart is removed, all the charts that follow it are moved up in index position and Count is decremented

public method


Returns the previous chart in the group that is visible, i.e., find a chart earlier in the list which is Visible and Group = AChart.Group

Used when stacking charts

public method


Returns the first visible chart in the list (e.g., FMX.RS.ChartPanel.TRSCustomChart.Visible is true).

public method


Returns the first chart in the list. Call First to obtain the first chart in the list.

public method


Represents method GetEnumerator.

public method


Returns the index of a chart. Call IndexOf to obtain the index of a chart in the list. If the Item is not found, this method returns -1.

public method


Inserts a chart into the list at a specified position. Call Insert to insert a chart into the list. AChart is the chart to insert, and Index indicates the position (zero-offset) where the chart should be added.

The order of the charts in the list matters. For the chart panel, the chart at Index 0 is drawn first, and then every chart is drawn over it. For the chart axis, the first chart defines the labels.

public method


Returns the last chart in the list. Call Last to obtain the last chart in the list.

protected method


Represents method Notify(TComponentListInstance,TRSListNotification).

public method


Deletes the first reference to the Chart parameter from the Items array. Call Remove to remove a specific chart from the Items array when its index is unknown. The value returned is the index of the item in the Items array before it was removed. After an item is removed, all the items that follow it are moved up in index position and the Count is reduced by one.

If the Items array contains more than one copy of the item, only the first copy is deleted.

protected method


Represents method VisibleChanged(TRSCustomChart).






protected event


Represents property OnNotify.


expandingSee Also

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RiverSoftAVG Charting Component Suite (RCCS) © 2005-2015, Thomas G. Grubb