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public method


Represents method AfterPaint.

public methodClass member


Converts axes coordinate to canvas coordinates using the specified X and Y axes. The AxesPointToPoint uses the TRSChartAxis AxisToPixel method. Unlike the AxisToPixel method which converts only the x value or y value, the AxesPointToPoint method converts a point to the canvas coordinates.

public methodClass member


Converts axes coordinates to canvas rectangle coordinates using the specified X and Y axes. The AxesRectToRect method uses the TRSChartAxis AxisToPixel method. Unlike the AxisToPixel method which converts only the x value or y value, the AxesRectToRect method converts an entire chart rectangle to canvas rectangle coordinates.

protected method


Overloaded. Represents method Changed.

protected method


Overloaded. Represents method Changed(TRSCustomChart).

protected method


Represents method ChartAdded(TRSCustomChart).

protected method


Represents method ChartDeleted(TRSCustomChart).

protected method


Represents method ChartListNotify(TObject,TRSCustomChart,TRSListNotification).

protected method


Represents method CreateAxis(TRSChartAxisLocation).

protected method


Represents method CreateGradient.

protected method


Represents method CreateHeader(String,Boolean).

protected method


Represents method CreateLayer(Boolean).

protected method


Represents method CreateLegend.

protected method


Represents method CreateShadow.

protected method


Represents method DoMouseLeave.

public method


Overloaded.  Paints the chart panel, including its     Background,     Header,     Footer,     Charts, etc to the specified canvas and in the specified rectangle. Use the Draw method to paint the chart panel on any canvas you want.

A chart panel is composed of, and draws in the following order, these elements: A chart panel is composed of, and draws in the following order, these elements:

Panel Itself
Background (the surface or layer behind all chart panel elements)
Gradient (Drawn behind the chart panel elements and obscures the Background)
Header (the area above where the charts are drawn)
Footer (the area below where the charts are drawn)
Legend (the text box that labels the charts or their values)
Foreground (the surface or layer in front of all chart panel elements)

Every element is optional and is controlled by their Visible property.

In addition, the     ChartShadow defines the attributes of the shadow that all chart elements can optionally cast.

public method


Overloaded. Represents method Draw(TCanvas,TCanvasRect,TChartPanelAreas).

protected method


Draws all the   charts of the chart panel to the canvas

protected method


Represents method Drawing(TCanvas,TCanvasRect).

protected method


Represents method DrawMouseTracking(TCanvasPoint).

protected method


Represents method Drawn(TCanvas,TCanvasRect).

protected method


Represents method DrawSelectionBox(TCanvasRect).

protected method


Overloaded. Represents method GetAxis(THorizontalAxis).

protected method


Overloaded. Represents method GetAxis(TVerticalAxis).

public method


Returns a new chart color based on the   ChartColorScheme and   ChartColorList. Every time a chart is created, it is assigned a new color from the current ChartColorList.

protected method


Represents method GetLegendStrings(TStrings).

protected method


Represents method InternalDraw(TCanvas,TCanvasRect).

public method


Represents method Invalidate.

protected method


Represents method MouseDown(TMouseButton,TShiftState,TCanvasPixel,TCanvasPixel).

protected method


Represents method MouseMove(TShiftState,TCanvasPixel,TCanvasPixel).

protected method


Represents method MouseUp(TMouseButton,TShiftState,TCanvasPixel,TCanvasPixel).

protected method


Represents method Notification(TComponent,TOperation).

protected method


Represents method Paint.

public method


Overloaded.  Moves the visual window (or the zoomed window) that the chart panel displays. The zoomed area is not changed. By default, the Pan method uses the     BottomAxis and the     LeftAxis to pan. By changing the UseBottomAxis and UseLeftAxis parameters, you can change which axes are used. The MoveX and MoveY parameters, which is based on pixels, are first converted into the equivalent amounts based on chart axis values.

Specifying a positive MoveX amount moves the zoomed window right and a negative amount moves it left. Specifying a positive MoveY amount moves the zoomed window up and a negative amount moves it down.

Use the overloaded Pan method to move the visual window using chart axis values directly.


The Pan method does nothing if no chart axis is zoomed (Zooming = False).

public method


Overloaded.  Moves the visual window (or the zoomed window) that the chart panel displays. The zoomed area is not changed. By default, the Pan method uses the     BottomAxis and the     LeftAxis to pan. By changing the UseBottomAxis and UseLeftAxis parameters, you can change which axes are used. The MoveX and MoveY parameters, which are based on chart values, specify the movement amount.

Specifying a positive MoveX amount moves the zoomed window right and a negative amount moves it left. Specifying a positive MoveY amount moves the zoomed window up and a negative amount moves it down.

Use the overloaded Pan method to move the visual window using canvas pixel values.


The Pan method does nothing if no chart axis is zoomed (Zooming = False).

public methodClass member


Converts a canvas coordinate to axes coordinates using the specified X and Y axes. The PointToAxesPoint uses the TRSChartAxis PixelToAxis method. Unlike the PixelToAxis method which converts only the x value or y value, the PointToAxesPoint method converts a point to the internal point coordinate.

public methodClass member


Converts pixel rectangle coordinates to axes coordinates using the specified X and Y axes. The RectToAxesRect method uses the TRSChartAxis PixelToAxis method. Unlike the PixelToAxis method which converts only the x value or y value, the RectToAxesRect method converts an entire rectangle to the internal rectangle coordinates.

protected method


Represents method Resize.

public method


Converts the screen coordinates of a specified point on the screen to chart panel coordinates. Use ScreenToChart to convert a point in screen coordinates to local, or chart panel area, coordinates. In chart panel area coordinates (0, 0) corresponds to the upper left corner of the chart panel's client area. In screen coordinates (0, 0) corresponds to the upper left corner of the screen.

public method


Selects or deselects any chart values displayed within the SelectionRect. Use the Select method to select chart values within the SelectionRect.


Note that the Select method does not work for all chart types

protected method


Represents method SelectionColorChanged.

protected method


Overloaded. Represents method SenderChanged(TObject).

public method


Resets the visual window for the two chart axes to their full visual range (e.g.,   ZoomMinimum =   Minimum and   ZoomMaximum =   Maximum for both the horizontal and vertical axis). Usually, it unzooms the   BottomAxis and the   LeftAxis to change displayed area for charts associated with those axes. Set the UseBottomAxis parameter to False to use the   TopAxis and the UseLeftAxis parameter to False to use the   RightAxis.

protected method


Updates the Charts and their values (if Preview is True) to the current color scheme

protected method


Represents method UpdateLegend(TRSCustomChart,TRSChartValue).

protected method


Represents method ValueChanged(TRSCustomChart,TRSChartValue).

protected method


Represents method ValueSelectionChanged(TRSCustomChart,TRSChartValue).

protected method


Represents method ValueVisibleChanged(TRSCustomChart,TRSChartValue).

protected method


Represents method VisibleChanged(TRSCustomChart).

public method


Overloaded.  Zooms the chart panel to desired point in chart coordinates. The magnification of the zoom area is specified by the ZoomX and ZoomY parameters, e.g., ZoomX/ZoomY = 2 means 2x magnification. A value less than or equal to 1 unzooms that axis.

Usually, this method zooms the     BottomAxis and the     LeftAxis to change displayed area for charts associated with those axes. Set the UseBottomAxis parameter to False to use the TopAxis and the UseLeftAxis parameter to False to use the     RightAxis.

Use the     ZoomPixelArea method to zoom the visual window by using a pixel coordinate rectangle of the chart panel's canvas. Use the     Zoom method to zoom the visual window by using a chart value coordinate rectangle directly.

public method


Overloaded.  Zooms the chart panel to the desired rectangle. Usually, it zooms the     BottomAxis and the     LeftAxis to change displayed area for charts associated with those axes. Set the UseBottomAxis parameter to False to use the TopAxis and the UseLeftAxis parameter to False to use the     RightAxis. The Zoom method accepts a chart value coordinate rectangle and zooms the visual window to that rectangle.

Use the ZoomPixelArea method to zoom the visual window by using a pixel coordinate rectangle of the chart panel's canvas.

The Zoom method uses the TRSChartAxis.Zoom method to change the ZoomMinimum and ZoomMaximum properties of the specified horizontal and vertical axes.

public method


Overloaded.  Zooms the chart panel to the desired rectangle. Usually, it zooms the     BottomAxis and the     LeftAxis to change displayed area for charts associated with those axes. Set the UseBottomAxis parameter to False to use the TopAxis and the UseLeftAxis parameter to False to use the     RightAxis. The ZoomPixelArea method accepts a pixel coordinate rectangle within the chart panel, converts that rectangle to a chart value coordinate rectangle for the desired axes, and zooms the visual window to that rectangle.

Use the Zoom method to zoom the visual window by using a chart value coordinate rectangle directly.

The ZoomPixelArea method uses the FMX.RS.ChartPanel.TRSChartAxis .Zoom method to change the ZoomMinimum and ZoomMaximum properties of the specified horizontal and vertical axes.


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RiverSoftAVG Charting Component Suite (RCCS) © 2005-2015, Thomas G. Grubb